C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MPxMotionPathNode, including all inherited members.
_forceCache(const MDGContext &) | MPxNode | |
_setMPSafe(bool isMPSafe) | MPxNode | |
addAttribute(const MObject &attr) | MPxNode | static |
addExternalContentForFileAttr(MExternalContentInfoTable &, const MObject &attr) const | MPxNode | |
allCoordinates | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
attributeAffects(const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected) | MPxNode | static |
attributeAffects(const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected, bool affectsTopology) | MPxNode | static |
bank | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
banking(MDataBlock &data, double f, const MVector &worldUp, double bankScale, double bankLimit, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
bankScale | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
bankThreshold | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
caching | MPxNode | static |
compute(const MPlug &, MDataBlock &) | MPxNode | virtual |
configCache(const MEvaluationNode &, MCacheSchema &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
connectionBroken(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc) | MPxNode | virtual |
connectionMade(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc) | MPxNode | virtual |
copyInternalData(MPxNode *) | MPxNode | virtual |
dependsOn(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool &depends) const | MPxNode | virtual |
doNotWrite(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
evaluatePath(MDataBlock &data, double u, double uRange, bool wraparound, double sideOffset, double upOffset, bool follow, bool inverseFront, bool inverseUp, int frontAxis, int upAxis, double frontTwist, double upTwist, double sideTwist, bool bank, double bankScale, double bankLimit, MPoint &resultPosition, MMatrix &resultOrientation) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
existWithoutInConnections(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | virtual |
existWithoutOutConnections(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | virtual |
flowNode | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
follow | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
forceCache() | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
forceCache(const MDGContext &) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
fractionalToParametric(double f, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
fractionMode | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
frontAxis | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
frontTwist | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
frozen | MPxNode | static |
getCacheSetup(const MEvaluationNode &, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo &, MNodeCacheSetupInfo &, MObjectArray &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getExternalContent(MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getFilesToArchive(bool shortName=false, bool unresolvedName=false, bool markCouldBeImageSequence=false) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getInternalValue(const MPlug &, MDataHandle &) | MPxNode | virtual |
getInternalValueInContext(const MPlug &, MDataHandle &, MDGContext &) | MPxNode | virtual |
getVectors(MDataBlock &data, double f, MVector &front, MVector &side, MVector &up, const MVector *worldUp=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
hasInvalidationRangeTransformation() const | MPxNode | |
inheritAttributesFrom(const MString &parentClassName) | MPxNode | static |
internalArrayCount(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
internalArrayCount(const MPlug &, const MDGContext &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
inverseFront | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
inverseUp | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
isAbstractClass() const | MPxNode | virtual |
isHistoricallyInteresting | MPxNode | static |
isPassiveOutput(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
isTrackingTopology() const | MPxNode | virtual |
kAssembly enum value | MPxNode | |
kBlendShape enum value | MPxNode | |
kCameraSetNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kClientDeviceNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kConstraintNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kDefaultScheduling enum value | MPxNode | |
kDeformerNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kDependNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kEmitterNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kFieldNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kFluidEmitterNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kGeometryFilter enum value | MPxNode | |
kGloballySerial enum value | MPxNode | |
kGloballySerialize enum value | MPxNode | |
kHardwareShader enum value | MPxNode | |
kHwShaderNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kIkSolverNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kImagePlaneNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kLast enum value | MPxNode | |
kLocatorNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kManipContainer enum value | MPxNode | |
kManipulatorNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kMotionPathNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kObjectSet enum value | MPxNode | |
kParallel enum value | MPxNode | |
kParticleAttributeMapperNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kSerial enum value | MPxNode | |
kSerialize enum value | MPxNode | |
kSkinCluster enum value | MPxNode | |
kSpringNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kSurfaceShape enum value | MPxNode | |
kThreadedDeviceNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kTransformNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kUntrusted enum value | MPxNode | |
kUpNormal enum value | MPxMotionPathNode | |
kUpObject enum value | MPxMotionPathNode | |
kUpObjectRotation enum value | MPxMotionPathNode | |
kUpScene enum value | MPxMotionPathNode | |
kUpVector enum value | MPxMotionPathNode | |
legalConnection(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const | MPxNode | virtual |
legalDisconnection(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const | MPxNode | virtual |
matrix(const MVector &front, const MVector &side, const MVector &up, int frontAxisIdx=1, int upAxisIdx=2, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
message | MPxNode | static |
MPxMotionPathNode() | MPxMotionPathNode | |
MPxNode() | MPxNode | |
name() const | MPxNode | virtual |
normal | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
orientationMarkerTime | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
orientMatrix | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
parametricToFractional(double u, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
passThroughToMany(const MPlug &, MPlugArray &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
passThroughToOne(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
pathGeometry | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
position(MDataBlock &data, double f, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
positionMarkerTime | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
postConstructor() | MPxNode | virtual |
postEvaluation(const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType) | MPxNode | virtual |
preEvaluation(const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode) | MPxNode | virtual |
rotate | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
rotateOrder | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
rotateX | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
rotateY | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
rotateZ | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
SchedulingType enum name | MPxNode | |
schedulingType() const | MPxNode | virtual |
setDependentsDirty(const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray) | MPxNode | virtual |
setDoNotWrite(bool flag) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
setExistWithoutInConnections(bool flag) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExistWithoutOutConnections(bool flag) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExternalContent(const MExternalContentLocationTable &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExternalContentForFileAttr(const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &) | MPxNode | |
setInternalValue(const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setInternalValueInContext(const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &, MDGContext &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setMPSafe(bool isMPSafe) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
shouldSave(const MPlug &, bool &isSaving) | MPxNode | virtual |
sideTwist | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
state | MPxNode | static |
thisMObject() const override | MPxMotionPathNode | virtual |
transformInvalidationRange(const MPlug &source, const MTimeRange &input) const | MPxNode | virtual |
type() const override | MPxMotionPathNode | virtual |
Type enum name | MPxNode | |
typeId() const | MPxNode | virtual |
typeName() const | MPxNode | virtual |
upAxis | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
updateOrientationMarkers | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
upTwist | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
uValue | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
worldUpMatrix | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
worldUpType | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
worldUpVector | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
worldUpVectorValue enum name | MPxMotionPathNode | |
wraparoundFractionalValue(double f, MStatus *status=NULL) const | MPxMotionPathNode | |
xCoordinate | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
yCoordinate | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
zCoordinate | MPxMotionPathNode | static |
~MPxMotionPathNode() override | MPxMotionPathNode | |
~MPxNode() | MPxNode | virtual |