C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MPxSurfaceShape, including all inherited members.
_forceCache(const MDGContext &) | MPxNode | |
_setMPSafe(bool isMPSafe) | MPxNode | |
acceptsGeometryIterator(bool writeable=true) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
acceptsGeometryIterator(MObject &, bool writeable=true, bool forReadOnly=false) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
activeComponents() const | MPxSurfaceShape | |
addAttribute(const MObject &attr) | MPxNode | static |
addExternalContentForFileAttr(MExternalContentInfoTable &, const MObject &attr) const | MPxNode | |
attributeAffects(const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected) | MPxNode | static |
attributeAffects(const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected, bool affectsTopology) | MPxNode | static |
boundingBox() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
boundingBoxCenterX | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
boundingBoxCenterY | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
boundingBoxCenterZ | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
cachedShapeAttr() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
caching | MPxNode | static |
canMakeLive() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
center | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
childChanged(MChildChanged=kObjectChanged) | MPxSurfaceShape | |
className() | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
closestPoint(const MPoint &raySource, const MVector &rayDirection, MPoint &theClosestPoint, MVector &theClosestNormal, bool findClosestOnMiss, double tolerance=MPoint_kTol) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
closestPoint(const MPoint &toThisPoint, MPoint &theClosestPoint, double tolerance=MPoint_kTol) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
componentToPlugs(MObject &component, MSelectionList &selectionList) const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
compute(const MPlug &, MDataBlock &) | MPxNode | virtual |
configCache(const MEvaluationNode &, MCacheSchema &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
connectionBroken(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc) | MPxNode | virtual |
connectionMade(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc) | MPxNode | virtual |
convertToTweakNodePlug(MPlug &plug) const | MPxSurfaceShape | |
copyInternalData(MPxNode *) | MPxNode | virtual |
createFullRenderGroup() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
createFullVertexGroup() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
deleteComponents(const MObjectArray &componentList, MDoubleArray &undoInfo) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
dependsOn(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool &depends) const | MPxNode | virtual |
doNotWrite(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
evalNodeAffectsDrawDb(const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
excludeAsPluginShape() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
existWithoutInConnections(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | virtual |
existWithoutOutConnections(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPxNode | virtual |
forceCache() | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
forceCache(const MDGContext &) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
frozen | MPxNode | static |
geometryData() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
geometryIteratorSetup(MObjectArray &, MObject &, bool forReadOnly=false) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
getCacheSetup(const MEvaluationNode &, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo &, MNodeCacheSetupInfo &, MObjectArray &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getComponentSelectionMask() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
getExternalContent(MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getFilesToArchive(bool shortName=false, bool unresolvedName=false, bool markCouldBeImageSequence=false) const | MPxNode | virtual |
getInternalValue(const MPlug &, MDataHandle &) | MPxNode | virtual |
getInternalValueInContext(const MPlug &, MDataHandle &, MDGContext &) | MPxNode | virtual |
getShapeSelectionMask() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
getWorldMatrix(MDataBlock &, unsigned int) const | MPxSurfaceShape | |
hasActiveComponents() const | MPxSurfaceShape | |
hasInvalidationRangeTransformation() const | MPxNode | |
inheritAttributesFrom(const MString &parentClassName) | MPxNode | static |
instObjGroups | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
intermediateObject | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
internalArrayCount(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
internalArrayCount(const MPlug &, const MDGContext &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
inverseMatrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
isAbstractClass() const | MPxNode | virtual |
isBounded() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
isHistoricallyInteresting | MPxNode | static |
isPassiveOutput(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
isRenderable() const | MPxSurfaceShape | |
isTemplated | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
isTrackingTopology() const | MPxNode | virtual |
kAssembly enum value | MPxNode | |
kBlendShape enum value | MPxNode | |
kBoundingBoxChanged enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kCameraSetNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kClientDeviceNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kConstraintNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kDefaultScheduling enum value | MPxNode | |
kDeformerNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kDependNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kEmitterNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kFieldNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kFluidEmitterNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kGeometryFilter enum value | MPxNode | |
kGloballySerial enum value | MPxNode | |
kGloballySerialize enum value | MPxNode | |
kHardwareShader enum value | MPxNode | |
kHwShaderNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kIkSolverNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kImagePlaneNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kLast enum value | MPxNode | |
kLocatorNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kManipContainer enum value | MPxNode | |
kManipulatorNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kMatchInvalidAttribute enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchInvalidAttributeDim enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchInvalidAttributeIndex enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchInvalidAttributeRange enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchInvalidName enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchNone enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchOk enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMatchTooMany enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kMotionPathNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kNoPointCaching enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kNormal enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kObjectChanged enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kObjectSet enum value | MPxNode | |
kParallel enum value | MPxNode | |
kParticleAttributeMapperNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kRestorePoints enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kSavePoints enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kSerial enum value | MPxNode | |
kSerialize enum value | MPxNode | |
kSkinCluster enum value | MPxNode | |
kSpringNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kSurfaceShape enum value | MPxNode | |
kThreadedDeviceNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kTransformNode enum value | MPxNode | |
kTransformOriginalPoints enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kUntrusted enum value | MPxNode | |
kUpdatePoints enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kUTangent enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kUVNTriad enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
kVTangent enum value | MPxSurfaceShape | |
legalConnection(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const | MPxNode | virtual |
legalDisconnection(const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const | MPxNode | virtual |
localShapeInAttr() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
localShapeOutAttr() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
match(const MSelectionMask &mask, const MObjectArray &componentList) const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
matchComponent(const MSelectionList &item, const MAttributeSpecArray &spec, MSelectionList &list) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
MatchResult enum name | MPxSurfaceShape | |
matrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
MChildChanged enum name | MPxSurfaceShape | |
mControlPoints | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
mControlValueX | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
mControlValueY | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
mControlValueZ | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
message | MPxNode | static |
MPxNode() | MPxNode | |
MPxSurfaceShape() | MPxSurfaceShape | |
MVertexCachingMode enum name | MPxSurfaceShape | |
MVertexOffsetMode enum name | MPxSurfaceShape | |
name() const | MPxNode | virtual |
newControlPointComponent() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
nodeBoundingBox | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMax | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMaxX | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMaxY | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMaxZ | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMin | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMinX | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMinY | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxMinZ | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxSize | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxSizeX | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxSizeY | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
nodeBoundingBoxSizeZ | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
objectColor | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
objectGroupColor | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
objectGroupId | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
objectGroups | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
objectGrpCompList | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
parentInverseMatrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
parentMatrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
passThroughToMany(const MPlug &, MPlugArray &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
passThroughToOne(const MPlug &) const | MPxNode | virtual |
pointAtParm(const MPoint &atThisParm, MPoint &evaluatedPoint) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
postConstructor() | MPxNode | virtual |
postEvaluation(const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType) | MPxNode | virtual |
preEvaluation(const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode) | MPxNode | virtual |
renderGroupComponentType() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
SchedulingType enum name | MPxNode | |
schedulingType() const | MPxNode | virtual |
setDependentsDirty(const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray) | MPxNode | virtual |
setDoNotWrite(bool flag) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
setExistWithoutInConnections(bool flag) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExistWithoutOutConnections(bool flag) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExternalContent(const MExternalContentLocationTable &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setExternalContentForFileAttr(const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &) | MPxNode | |
setInternalValue(const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setInternalValueInContext(const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &, MDGContext &) | MPxNode | virtual |
setMPSafe(bool isMPSafe) | MPxNode | protectedvirtual |
setRenderable(bool) | MPxSurfaceShape | |
shouldSave(const MPlug &, bool &isSaving) | MPxNode | virtual |
state | MPxNode | static |
thisMObject() const override | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
transformInvalidationRange(const MPlug &source, const MTimeRange &input) const | MPxNode | virtual |
transformUsing(const MMatrix &mat, const MObjectArray &componentList) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
transformUsing(const MMatrix &mat, const MObjectArray &componentList, MVertexCachingMode cachingMode, MPointArray *pointCache) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
tweakUsing(const MMatrix &mat, const MObjectArray &componentList, MVertexCachingMode cachingMode, MPointArray *pointCache, MArrayDataHandle &handle) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
Type enum name | MPxNode | |
type() const override | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
typeId() const | MPxNode | virtual |
typeName() const | MPxNode | virtual |
undeleteComponents(const MObjectArray &componentList, MDoubleArray &undoInfo) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
useObjectColor | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
vertexOffsetDirection(MObject &component, MVectorArray &direction, MVertexOffsetMode mode, bool normalize) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
visibility | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
weightedTransformUsing(const MTransformationMatrix &xform, const MMatrix *space, const MObjectArray &componentList, MVertexCachingMode cachingMode, MPointArray *pointCache, const MPlane *freezePlane) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
weightedTweakUsing(const MTransformationMatrix &xform, const MMatrix *space, const MObjectArray &componentList, MVertexCachingMode cachingMode, MPointArray *pointCache, const MPlane *freezePlane, MArrayDataHandle &handle) | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
worldInverseMatrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
worldMatrix | MPxSurfaceShape | static |
worldShapeOutAttr() const | MPxSurfaceShape | virtual |
~MPxNode() | MPxNode | virtual |
~MPxSurfaceShape() override | MPxSurfaceShape |