C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// This plug-in shows how to use MPxGeometryOverride to render geometry with a stock shader.
// It will register a new type of node "geometryOverrideExample1_shape" that will generate
// the geometry and connect it to a MPxGeometryOverride.
// The GeometryOverrideExample1_shape class derives from MPxSurfaceShape and it is responsible
// to generate the geometry data (Cube) and also enable the shape to be selectable in
// Viewport 2.0.
// The GeometryOverrideExample1 class derives from MPxGeometryOverride and shows how to
// create / update different render items and fill vertex / index buffers to render the geometry
// of geometryOverrideExample1_shape.
// To use this plugin run the following mel commands once the plugin is loaded:
// createNode geometryOverrideExample1_shape;
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include "geometryOverrideExample1.h"
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionMask.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <iostream>
static void instancingChangedCallback(MDagPath& child, MDagPath& parent, void* clientData)
MGlobal::displayWarning("GeometryOverrideExample1 does't support instancing !");
// geometryOverrideExample1_shape implementation
MTypeId GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::id = MTypeId(0x8003B);
// unit cube vertices
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector(-1, -1, -1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector( 1, -1, -1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector( 1, -1, 1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector(-1, -1, 1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector(-1, 1, -1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector(-1, 1, 1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector( 1, 1, 1));
fPositions.push_back(MFloatVector( 1, 1, -1));
const float normal_value = 0.5775f;
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector(-normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector( normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector( normal_value, -normal_value, normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector(-normal_value, -normal_value, normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector(-normal_value, normal_value, -normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector(-normal_value, normal_value, normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector( normal_value, normal_value, normal_value));
fNormals.push_back(MFloatVector( normal_value, normal_value, -normal_value));
fShadedIndices =
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, // bottom
4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, // top
0, 3, 5, 5, 4, 0, // left
1, 7, 6, 6, 2, 1, // right
4, 1, 0, 4, 7, 1, // back
5, 3, 2, 2, 6, 5, // front
fWireFrameIndices =
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, // bottom
4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, // top
0, 4, 3, 5, 1, 7, 2, 6, // left / right
// ============================================================
// When instances of this node are created internally, the MObject associated
// with the instance is not created until after the constructor of this class
// is called. This means that no member functions of MPxSurfaceShape can
// be called in the constructor.
// The postConstructor solves this problem. Maya will call this function
// after the internal object has been created.
// As a general rule do all of your initialization in the postConstructor.
// Note : For more information, see MPxSurfaceShape::postConstructor()
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::postConstructor()
// This call allows the shape to have shading groups assigned
// Add a callback that will be called when instance are added.
MDagPath path;
MDagPath::getAPathTo(thisMObject(), path);
mInstanceAddedCallbackId = MDagMessage::addInstanceAddedDagPathCallback(const_cast<MDagPath&>(path), &instancingChangedCallback);
// ============================================================
// This method is overriden to support interactive object selection in Viewport 2.0
// Returns The selection mask of the shaper.
// Note : For more information, see MPxSurfaceShape::getShapeSelectionMask()
// ============================================================
MSelectionMask GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::getShapeSelectionMask() const
return MSelectionMask(selType);
// ============================================================
// Returns the bounding box for this object.
// It is a good idea not to recompute here as this funcion is called often.
// Note : This function is only called if MPxSurfaceShape::isBounded() return true.
// For more information, see MPxSurfaceShape::boundingBox()
// ============================================================
MBoundingBox GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::boundingBox() const
MPoint corner1Point(fPositions[0].x, fPositions[0].y, fPositions[0].z); // back-left-bottom vertex position
MPoint corner2Point(fPositions[6].x, fPositions[6].y, fPositions[6].z); // front-right-top vertex position
return MBoundingBox(corner1Point, corner2Point);
// GeometryOverrideExample1 implementation
const char* GeometryOverrideExample1::sActiveWireframeRenderItemName = "GeometryOverrideExample1_ActiveWireframe";
const char* GeometryOverrideExample1::sDormantWireframeRenderItemName = "GeometryOverrideExample1_DormantWireframe";
const char* GeometryOverrideExample1::sShadedRenderItemName = "GeometryOverrideExample1_shaded";
GeometryOverrideExample1::GeometryOverrideExample1(const MObject& obj)
: MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride(obj)
// get the real mesh object from the MObject
MStatus status;
MFnDependencyNode node(obj, &status);
if (status)
fMesh = dynamic_cast<GeometryOverrideExample1_shape*>(node.userNode());
// ============================================================
// This function return draw API that is supported by this plugin.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::supportedDrawAPIs()
// ============================================================
MHWRender::DrawAPI GeometryOverrideExample1::supportedDrawAPIs() const
return (MHWRender::kOpenGL | MHWRender::kDirectX11 | MHWRender::kOpenGLCoreProfile);
// ============================================================
// Perform any work required to translate the geometry data that needs to get
// information from the dependency graph.This should be the only place that
// dependency graph evaluation occurs.Any data retrieved should be cached for
// later stages.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::updateDG()
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1::updateDG()
// In this example, there is nothing to do here
// ============================================================
// This method is called once during each draw-preparation phase. If this method returns true
// then the associated DAG object will have a chance to update its render geometry this frame.
// (Maya will call populateGeometry())
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::requiresGeometryUpdate()
// ============================================================
bool GeometryOverrideExample1::requiresGeometryUpdate() const
// In this example, we always return false because the node doesn't have
// attributes that affect the geometry.
return false;
// ============================================================
// If this method returns true then the MPxGeometryOverride will be considered
// for Evaluation Manager Parallel Update.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::supportsEvaluationManagerParallelUpdate()
// ============================================================
bool GeometryOverrideExample1::supportsEvaluationManagerParallelUpdate() const
return true;
// ============================================================
// This method is called for each instance of the associated DAG object whenever
// the object changes and receive the path to the instance and the current list
// of render items associated with that instance. Implementations of this method
// may add, remove or modify items in the list. As an alternative this method
// can enable or disable items that must be used or not based on some properties.
// A render item represents a single renderable entity and contain many properties
// to let the Viewport 2.0 to know how to render the entity. By example, A render
// item contain a name, a type, the geometry primitive type, a set of geometry buffers
// and a shader instance.
// In this example, this functions will create 3 render items to render the object's
// geometry. The first render item will be use to display the oject with a single color
// only when the Viewport 2.0 is in shaded or textured mode. The second render item
// will be use to display the object in wireframe with a single color only when the
// Viewport 2.0 is in wireframe mode. The last render item will be use to render the
// object with a single color in wireframe only when the object is selected independing
// of the Viewport 2.0 display mode. Both wireframe render item will be enable or disable
// depending of the object selection state.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::updateRenderItems()
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1::updateRenderItems(const MDagPath& path, MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItems)
if (!path.isValid())
MRenderer* renderer = MRenderer::theRenderer();
if (!renderer)
const MShaderManager* shaderManager = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (!shaderManager)
// Create a render item that will render geometry with a single color
// if it didn't already exist.
// This render item will be used only in shaded and textured mode.
auto renderItemIndex = renderItems.indexOf(sShadedRenderItemName);
if (renderItemIndex < 0)
// Create the new render item with the given name.
// We designate this item as a UI Material.
// The "topology" for the render item is a triangle list.
MHWRender::MRenderItem* shadedRenderItem =
// We want this render item to only show up when in shaded or textured mode
// The the depth priority of this render item to sDormantFilledDepthPriority (The default value).
// Depth priority is usefull when an object is displayed with many render items.
// Viewport 2.0 will use the depth priority to know which render item must be draw on top
// of others.
// Enable the render item so it will be use for rendering
// Get an instance of a 3dSolidShader from the shader manager.
// The shader tells the graphics hardware how to draw the geometry.
// The MShaderInstance is a reference to a shader along with the values for the shader parameters.
MShaderInstance* shader = shaderManager->getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dSolidShader);
if (shader)
// Set the shader color parameter
const float blueColor[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
shader->setParameter("solidColor", blueColor);
// Assign the shader to the render item. This adds a reference to that
// shader.
// Once assigned, no need to hold on to shader instance
// The item must be added to the persistent list to be considered
// for update / rendering
// Get the inherited DAG display properties.
auto wireframeColor = MHWRender::MGeometryUtilities::wireframeColor(path);
// Update the wireframe render item used when the object will be selected
bool isWireFrameRenderItemEnabled = displayStatus == MHWRender::kLead || displayStatus == MHWRender::kActive;
// Update the wireframe render item used when the object will not be selected
isWireFrameRenderItemEnabled = displayStatus == MHWRender::kDormant;
// ============================================================
// Fill in data and index streams based on the requirements passed in.
// Associate indexing with the render items passed in.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::populateGeometry()
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1::populateGeometry(const MHWRender::MGeometryRequirements& requirements, const MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItems, MHWRender::MGeometry& data)
if (!fMesh)
const MVertexBufferDescriptorList& vertexBufferDescriptorList = requirements.vertexRequirements();
for (int i = 0; i < vertexBufferDescriptorList.length(); i++)
MVertexBufferDescriptor desc{};
if (!vertexBufferDescriptorList.getDescriptor(i, desc))
switch (desc.semantic())
case MGeometry::kPosition:
// Create and fill the vertex position buffer
MHWRender::MVertexBuffer* positionBuffer = data.createVertexBuffer(desc);
if (positionBuffer)
GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::PositionList positions = fMesh->getPositions();
void* buffer = positionBuffer->acquire(positions.size(), true /*writeOnly */);
const std::size_t bufferSizeInByte =
sizeof(GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::PositionList::value_type) * positions.size();
memcpy(buffer, positions.data(), bufferSizeInByte);
// Transfer from CPU to GPU memory.
case MGeometry::kNormal:
// Create and fill the vertex normal buffer
MHWRender::MVertexBuffer* normalsBuffer = data.createVertexBuffer(desc);
if (normalsBuffer)
GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::NormalList normals = fMesh->getNormals();
void* buffer = normalsBuffer->acquire(normals.size(), true /*writeOnly*/);
const std::size_t bufferSizeInByte =
sizeof(GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::NormalList::value_type) * normals.size();
memcpy(buffer, normals.data(), bufferSizeInByte);
// Transfer from CPU to GPU memory.
case MGeometry::kTexture:
case MGeometry::kColor:
case MGeometry::kTangent:
case MGeometry::kBitangent:
case MGeometry::kTangentWithSign:
case MGeometry::kInvalidSemantic: // avoid compiling error
// In this example, we don't need to used those vertex informantions.
// Update indexing data for all appropriate render items
const int numItems = renderItems.length();
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
const MHWRender::MRenderItem* item = renderItems.itemAt(i);
if (!item)
// Create and fill the index buffer used to render triangles
if (indexBuffer)
GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::IndexList indices = fMesh->getShadedIndices();
void* buffer = indexBuffer->acquire(indices.size(), true /*writeOnly*/);
if (buffer)
const std::size_t bufferSizeInByte =
sizeof(GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::IndexList::value_type) * indices.size();
memcpy(buffer, indices.data(), bufferSizeInByte);
// Transfer from CPU to GPU memory.
// Associate index buffer with render item
// Create and fill the index buffer used to render lines (Wireframe)
if (indexBuffer)
GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::IndexList indices = fMesh->getWireFrameIndices();
void* buffer = indexBuffer->acquire(indices.size(), true /*writeOnly*/);
if (buffer)
const std::size_t bufferSizeInByte =
sizeof(GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::IndexList::value_type) * indices.size();
memcpy(buffer, indices.data(), bufferSizeInByte);
// Transfer from CPU to GPU memory.
// Associate index buffer with render item
// ============================================================
// Clean up any cached data stored from the updateDG() phase.
// Note : For more information, see MPxGeometryOverride::cleanUp()
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1::cleanUp()
// Nothing here because the plugin doesn't keep any temporary data.
// ============================================================
// Update the wireframe render item named 'renderItemName' or create it
// if it doesn't exists.
// Note : Arguments drawMode and depthPriority are only used for creation of
// the render item.
// ============================================================
void GeometryOverrideExample1::updateWireframeItems(const char* renderItemName, MGeometry::DrawMode drawMode,
unsigned int depthPriority, MColor color, bool isEnable,
MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItemList,
const MHWRender::MShaderManager& shaderManager)
MHWRender::MRenderItem* renderItem = nullptr;
// Try to find the active wireframe render item.
// If the returning index is smaller than 0, that means
// the render item does't exists yet. So, create it.
auto renderItemIndex = renderItemList.indexOf(renderItemName);
if (renderItemIndex < 0)
// Create the new render item with the given name.
// We designate this item as a UI "decoration" and will not be
// involved in rendering aspects such as casting shadows
// The "topology" for the render item is a line list.
renderItem = MHWRender::MRenderItem::Create(renderItemName,
// We want this render item to show up when in all mode ( Wireframe, Shaded, Textured and BoundingBox)
// Set selection priority: on top of everything
// Get an instance of a 3dSolidShader from the shader manager.
// The shader tells the graphics hardware how to draw the geometry.
// The MShaderInstance is a reference to a shader along with the values for the shader parameters.
MShaderInstance* shader = shaderManager.getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dSolidShader);
if (shader)
// Assign the shader to the render item. This adds a reference to that
// shader.
// Once assigned, no need to hold on to shader instance
// The item must be added to the persistent list to be considered
// for update / rendering
renderItem = renderItemList.itemAt(renderItemIndex);
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* shader = renderItem->getShader();
if (shader)
// Set the shader color parameter
shader->setParameter("solidColor", &color.r);
// initialize / uninitialize plugin
MString sDrawDbClassification("drawdb/geometry/geometryOverrideExample1");
MString sDrawRegistrantId("geometryOverrideExample1Plugin");
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
MStatus status;
status = plugin.registerShape("geometryOverrideExample1_shape", // the name of the new type of user defined shape node
GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::id, // a unique id that identifies this node
&GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::creator, // function that will return a pointer to a new instance of the class
// (derived from MPxSurfaceNode) that implements the new shape node type
&GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::initialize, // function that will initialize all the attributes of the new shape node type
if (!status)
std::cerr << "Failed to register geometryOverrideExample1_shape." << std::endl;
return status;
if (!status)
std::cerr << "Failed to register Viewport 2.0 geometry override." << std::endl;
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
MStatus status;
status = MHWRender::MDrawRegistry::deregisterGeometryOverrideCreator(sDrawDbClassification, sDrawRegistrantId);
if (!status)
std::cerr << "Failed to deregister geometry override." << std::endl;
status = plugin.deregisterNode(GeometryOverrideExample1_shape::id);
if (!status)
std::cerr << "Failed to deregister GeometryOverrideExample1_shape." << std::endl;
return status;