C++ API Reference
#ifndef _gpuCacheConfig_h_
#define _gpuCacheConfig_h_
// Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <maya/MColor.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometry.h>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
// Specializing std::hash for MHWRender::MGeometry::Semantic and MHWRender::MGeometry::DataType
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<MHWRender::MGeometry::Semantic> {
std::size_t operator()(const MHWRender::MGeometry::Semantic& k) const {
return std::hash<int>()(k);
template <>
struct hash<MHWRender::MGeometry::DataType> {
std::size_t operator()(const MHWRender::MGeometry::DataType& k) const {
return std::hash<int>()(k);
namespace GPUCache {
// combiner taken from N3876 / boost::hash_combine
template<typename T>
inline void hash_combine(size_t& seed, const T& v)
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
template <class It>
inline std::size_t hash_range(It first, It last)
std::size_t seed = 0;
for (; first != last; ++first)
hash_combine(seed, *first);
return seed;
template<class T>
class shared_array : public std::shared_ptr<T>
typedef T element_type;
explicit shared_array(T* p = 0)
:std::shared_ptr<T>(p, std::default_delete<T[]>())
void reset(T* p = 0)
std::shared_ptr<T>::reset(p, std::default_delete<T[]>());
element_type& operator[](size_t _Idx) const
{ // return reference to object
return (std::shared_ptr<T>::get()[_Idx]);
* CLASS Config
// Flags that control the configuration of the gpuCache plug-in at
// compile time.
class Config
static void refresh();
/*----- constants -----*/
// Maya default color constants.
static const MColor kDefaultGrayColor;
static const MColor kDefaultTransparency;
// Wireframe line styles
static const unsigned short kLineStippleShortDashed;
static const unsigned short kLineStippleDotted;
// Display filter name
static const MString kDisplayFilter;
/*----- static member functions -----*/
enum VP2OverrideAPI {
// Controls which API is used to draw into Viewport 2.0.
static VP2OverrideAPI vp2OverrideAPI();
// Controls whether UV coordinates are used. When used they are
// computed when baking, they loaded in memory by the cache reader
// and they are used whenever the material requires it. When
// disabled, none of these steps are taken and the node therefore
// uses less memory.
static bool isIgnoringUVs();
// Minimum number of vertices that a shape must contain before we
// decide to use VBOs. This is a heuristic to avoid allocating too
// many VBOs, which ends causing performance problems on some
// platforms (i.e. on Mac in particular). The assumption is that
// for small objects, using vertex arrays is just as efficient.
static size_t minVertsForVBOs();
// Maximum number of VBOs that will be allocated. This is a
// heuristic to avoid allocating too many VBOs, which ends causing
// some catastrophic performance problems on some platforms
// (i.e. on Mac in particular).
static size_t maxVBOCount();
// Maximum total size of the VBOs that the gpuCache plug-in will
// allocate (measured in bytes). This is a heuristic to avoid
// allocating too many VBOs, which ends causing some catastrophic
// performance problems on some platforms where over allocation
// causes VBOs to be evicted to main memory thus increasing the
// total memory usage of Maya.
static size_t maxVBOSize();
// Indicates whether we should switch to using vertex arrays to
// draw the geometry when running low on video memory and there is
// not enough video memory available to keep more VBOs around from
// frame to frame. The alternative is to use temporary VBOs that
// immediately get deleted after each draw. This allows one to
// benchmark which approach is faster on a given platform.
static bool useVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow();
// Indicates whether we should use vertex arrays, instead of VBOs,
// to draw the geometry when performing OpenGL picking. This
// allows one to benchmark which approach is faster on a given
// platform.
static bool useVertexArrayForGLPicking();
// Indicates whether we should avoid using vertex arrays and use
// GL primitives instead.. This is used mainly to avoid
// graphic device driver bugs.
static bool useGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA();
// Indicates whether we need to emulate two-sided lighting on the
// current graphic card. On some graphic cards, OpenGL two-sided
// lighting can be 10 to 20X slower than one-sided lighting and
// emulation ends-up being faster.
static bool emulateTwoSidedLighting();
// Threshold values that controls whether OpenGL picking or
// raster-based picking should be used. Above this
// value, we use raster-based picking.
static size_t openGLPickingWireframeThreshold();
static size_t openGLPickingSurfaceThreshold();
// Indicates whether we will load cache files in the background.
// Control is returned to Maya GUI thread immediately.
// A separate TBB worker thread will load the cache file.
static bool backgroundReading();
// The time interval between two idle refresh commands when reading
// the cache file in background. (Milliseconds)
static size_t backgroundReadingRefresh();
// Indicates whether we will support hardware instancing in Viewport 2.0
// Viewport 2.0 will make use of the instancing API for identical render items.
// (e.g. glDrawElementsInstanced in OpenGL).
// This is on by default. "GPU Instancing" in Hardware Renderer 2.0 Settings
// should also be enabled. Otherwise, this switch will not take effect.
static bool useHardwareInstancing();
// The minimum number of identical render items that we will start treat them
// as instances. This is the threshold that trigger hardware instancing.
static size_t hardwareInstancingThreshold();
// Initialize the Config. It will read hardware parameters and set all fields.
static void initialize();
static bool sInitialized;
static size_t sDefaultVP2OverrideAPI;
static bool sDefaultIsIgnoringUVs;
static size_t sDefaultMinVertsForVBOs;
static size_t sDefaultMaxVBOCount;
static size_t sDefaultMaxVBOSize;
static bool sDefaultUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
static bool sDefaultUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
static bool sDefaultUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
static bool sDefaultEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
static size_t sDefaultOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
static size_t sDefaultOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
static bool sDefaultBackgroundReading;
static size_t sDefaultBackgroundReadingRefresh;
static bool sDefaultUseHardwareInstancing;
static size_t sDefaultHardwareInstancingThreshold;
static size_t sVP2OverrideAPI;
static bool sIsIgnoringUVs;
static size_t sMinVertsForVBOs;
static size_t sMaxVBOCount;
static size_t sMaxVBOSize;
static bool sUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
static bool sUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
static bool sUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
static bool sEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
static size_t sOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
static size_t sOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
static bool sBackgroundReading;
static size_t sBackgroundReadingRefresh;
static bool sUseHardwareInstancing;
static size_t sHardwareInstancingThreshold;
} // namespace GPUCache