C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// This plugin provides the 'saveSwatches' command which takes a list of
// render nodes and saves out their swatches as 64x64 PNG images.
// The plugin demonstrates the following:
// - how to find a Maya control's QWidget from its name
// - how to grab a snapshot of a control and save it to an image file
// Must ensure that at least one Qt header is included before anything
// else.
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MQtUtil.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <saveSwatchesCmd.h>
const MString SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName("saveSwatches");
MStatus SaveSwatchesCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
// If we weren't passed any arguments, display a help string.
if (args.length() == 0) {
MString("Usage: ")
+ SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName
+ " renderNode [renderNode ...]"
return MS::kInvalidParameter;
// Create a window with a swatchDisplayPort in it.
"window -h 64 -w 64 swatchGrabber;"
"rowLayout -nc 1;"
"string $swatchPort = `swatchDisplayPort -w 64 -h 64 -rs 64`;"
"$swatchPort = $swatchPort;"
// Find the swatchDisplayPort's QWidget.
QWidget* swatchPort = MQtUtil::findControl(swatchPortName);
if (swatchPort) {
// Step through each render node and take its snapshot.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); ++i) {
MString renderNode = args.asString(i);
// Assign the material node to the swatchDisplayPort which
// will automatically render its swatch.
MString("swatchDisplayPort -e -sn ") + renderNode + " " + swatchPortName
// Swatch rendering takes place during idle events, so let's
// give it a chance to run.
// Take a snapshot of the widget.
QPixmap swatch = QPixmap::grabWidget(swatchPort);
// Save the snapshot as a PNG file.
QString fileName = renderNode.asChar();
fileName += ".png";
swatch.save(fileName, "png", 100);
} else {
MString("Could not find swatchDisplayPort '") + swatchPortName + "'"
return MS::kFailure;
// Get rid of the window.
MGlobal::executeCommand("deleteUI swatchGrabber");
return MS::kSuccess;
// ==========================================================================
// Plugin load/unload
// ==========================================================================
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject plugin)
MStatus st;
MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st);
if (!st) {
MString("saveSwatchesCmd - could not initialize plugin: ")
+ st.errorString()
return st;
// Register the command.
st = pluginFn.registerCommand(SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName, SaveSwatchesCmd::creator);
if (!st) {
MString("saveSwatchesCmd - could not register '")
+ SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName + "' command: "
+ st.errorString()
return st;
return st;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject plugin)
MStatus st;
MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st);
if (!st) {
MString("saveSwatchesCmd - could not uninitialize plugin: ")
+ st.errorString()
return st;
// Deregister the command.
st = pluginFn.deregisterCommand(SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName);
if (!st) {
MString("saveSwatchesCmd - could not deregister '")
+ SaveSwatchesCmd::commandName + "' command: "
+ st.errorString()
return st;
return st;