C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2022 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Produces the dependency graph node "testFailure".
// To use this node:
// - create a plane or some other object
// - type: "deformer -type testFailure"
// Use this script to create a simple example with the testFailure node:
// loadPlugin testFailureNode;
// polyTorus -r 1 -sr 0.5 -tw 0 -sx 50 -sy 50 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 1 -ch 1;
// deformer -type "testFailure";
// select -cl;
#include <maya/MPxDeformerNode.h>
#include <maya/MItGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MPxGPUStandardDeformer.h>
#include <maya/MGPUDeformerRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MOpenCLBuffer.h>
#include <maya/MOpenCLInfo.h>
#include <maya/MOpenCLUtils.h>
#include <clew/clew.h>
class testFailure : public MPxDeformerNode
~testFailure() override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// deformation function
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& mat,
unsigned int multiIndex) override;
// local node attributes
static MObject aOffset;
static MObject aFailureTrigger;
static MObject aForceDifference;
static MTypeId id;
// path from where the plugin was loaded
static MString pluginPath;
// local attributes
MTypeId testFailure::id( 0x00000177 );
MObject testFailure::aOffset;
MObject testFailure::aFailureTrigger; // depending on value causes a failure to be generated from the GPU deformer
MObject testFailure::aForceDifference; // causes a difference in the cpu and gpu behavior
MString testFailure::pluginPath;
testFailure::testFailure() {}
testFailure::~testFailure() {}
void* testFailure::creator()
return new testFailure();
MStatus testFailure::initialize()
// local attribute initialization
aOffset = nAttr.create( "offset", "of", MFnNumericData::k3Float);
nAttr.setDefault(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// When this flag is on the results for the CPU and GPU evaluation will be different
aForceDifference = nAttr.create( "forceDifference", "fd", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false);
// A value equal or less than -1.0 will cause a kDeformerRetryMainThread failure on the GPU
// A value equal or more than +1.0 will cause a kDeformerFailure failure on the GPU
aFailureTrigger = nAttr.create( "failureTrigger", "ftr", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );
// deformation attributes
addAttribute( aOffset );
addAttribute( aFailureTrigger );
addAttribute( aForceDifference );
attributeAffects( testFailure::aOffset, testFailure::outputGeom );
attributeAffects( testFailure::aFailureTrigger, testFailure::outputGeom );
attributeAffects( testFailure::aForceDifference, testFailure::outputGeom );
testFailure::deform( MDataBlock& block,
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& /*m*/,
unsigned int multiIndex)
MStatus returnStatus;
// Envelope data from the base class.
// The envelope is simply a scale factor.
MDataHandle envData = block.inputValue(envelope, &returnStatus);
if (MS::kSuccess != returnStatus)
return returnStatus;
float env = envData.asFloat();
MDataHandle offsetData = block.inputValue( aOffset, &returnStatus );
float3& offsetVal = offsetData.asFloat3();
for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next()) {
MPoint pt = iter.position();
float e = env*weightValue(block,multiIndex,iter.index());
pt.x += offsetVal[0]*e;
pt.y += offsetVal[1]*e;
pt.z += offsetVal[2]*e;
return returnStatus;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the GPU override implementation of the offsetNode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class testFailureGPUDeformer : public MPxGPUStandardDeformer
// Virtual methods from MPxGPUDeformer
~testFailureGPUDeformer() override;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus evaluate(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& outputPlug, const MPlugArray& inputPlugs, const MGPUDeformerData& inputData, MGPUDeformerData& outputData) override;
void terminate() override;
static MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* getGPUDeformerInfo();
cl_int enqueueDeformation(MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent, const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions, MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions);
float3 fOffset;
bool fForceDifference{false};
// Kernel
MOpenCLKernelInfo fKernelInfo;
class testFailureNodeGPUDeformerInfo : public MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo
testFailureNodeGPUDeformerInfo() {}
~testFailureNodeGPUDeformerInfo() override{}
return new testFailureGPUDeformer();
bool validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return true;
bool validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return true;
MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* testFailureGPUDeformer::getGPUDeformerInfo()
static testFailureNodeGPUDeformerInfo theOne;
return &theOne;
// Remember the ctor must be fast. No heavy work should be done here.
// Maya may allocate one of these and then never use it.
cl_int testFailureGPUDeformer::enqueueDeformation(
MAutoCLEvent& syncEvent,
const MGPUDeformerBuffer& inputPositions,
MGPUDeformerBuffer& outputPositions)
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
unsigned int count = affectCount();
MAutoCLEvent syncInputEvent = syncEvent;
syncEvent = MAutoCLEvent();
MGPUEventList eventList;
cl_float3 offset;
offset.s[0] = fOffset[0] + (fForceDifference ? 1.0 : 0.0);
offset.s[1] = fOffset[1];
offset.s[2] = fOffset[2];
// Set all of our kernel parameters. Input buffer and output buffer may be changing every frame so always set them.
unsigned int parameterId = 0;
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArgBuffer(parameterId++, outputPositions.buffer(), err);
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArgBuffer(parameterId++, inputPositions.buffer(), err);
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArgBuffer(parameterId++, weightsBuffer(), err, hasEnvelopeWeights());
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArgBuffer(parameterId++, affectMapBuffer(), err, !isIdentityMap());
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArg<cl_float>(parameterId++, envelope(), err);
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArg<cl_float3>(parameterId++, offset, err);
err = fKernelInfo.setKernelArg<cl_uint>(parameterId++, count, err);
// run the kernel
return CL_SUCCESS == err ? fKernelInfo.enqueueKernel(eventList, syncEvent) : err;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus testFailureGPUDeformer::evaluate(
MDataBlock& block, // data block for "this" node
const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, // evaluation node representing "this" node
const MPlug& plug, // the multi index we're working on. There will be a separate instance created per multi index
const MPlugArray & inputPlugs, // the input plugs which have GPU data in inputData
const MGPUDeformerData& inputData, // the input data provided by Maya or other upstream GPU Deformers
MGPUDeformerData& outputData // the output data to be passed to the rendering system or other downstream GPU Deformers
MAutoCLEvent syncEvent;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus ds = prepareEvaluation(block, evaluationNode, plug, inputPlugs, inputData, outputData, syncEvent);
if (ds != MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerSuccess)
return ds;
MStatus status;
MDataHandle offsetData = block.inputValue(testFailure::aOffset, &status );
const float3& val = offsetData.asFloat3();
fOffset[0] = val[0];
fOffset[1] = val[1];
fOffset[2] = val[2];
MDataHandle failureTriggerData = block.inputValue(testFailure::aFailureTrigger, &status );
float failureTrigger = (MS::kSuccess != status) ? 0.0 : failureTriggerData.asFloat();
fForceDifference = block.inputValue(testFailure::aForceDifference, &status ).asBool();
if (failureTrigger <= -1.0) {
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerRetryMainThread;
} else if (failureTrigger >= 1.0) {
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
// Now that all the data we care about is on the GPU, setup and run the OpenCL Kernel
MString openCLKernelFile = testFailure::pluginPath + "/testFailure.cl";
MString openCLKernelName("testFailure");
if (!fKernelInfo.loadOrUpdate(openCLKernelFile, openCLKernelName, affectCount()))
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
err = initializeOutputPositions(syncEvent);
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
err = enqueueDeformation(syncEvent, inputPositions(), outputPositions());
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
return finishEvaluation(syncEvent, outputData);
void testFailureGPUDeformer::terminate()
// standard initialization procedures
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus result;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
result = plugin.registerNode( "testFailure", testFailure::id, testFailure::creator,
testFailure::initialize, MPxNode::kDeformerNode );
MString nodeClassName("testFailure");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
testFailure::pluginPath = plugin.loadPath();
return result;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus result;
MString nodeClassName("testFailure");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
result = plugin.deregisterNode(testFailure::id);
return result;