CAT Controllers

Rig Controller Setup

In general, we have followed a design pattern in CAT where functional groups have been separated out into unit pieces. The functional units are :

The controllers in a unit are inter-dependent and cannot be constructed or used in isolation. Apart from a Hub (which is a single bone), there is a central class that holds data common to the unit and provides management functions, called a Data or a Manager class. There is one data class created to manage each unit. These data classes are LimbData, BoneData, DigitData, SpineData, and TailData. Each one of these data classes is responsible for the creation and maintenance of its associated node controllers.

Note from the rig layout diagram – BoneData is somewhat of a special case. BoneData is the class that provides the transform for an individual limb bone. It is managed by LimbData, but it is also a manager itself. It manages an array of 1-to-N BoneSegTrans classes. This is because although the limb is a functional unit made up of many limb bones, each limb bone can also be broken down into segments to provide twisting. The BoneSegTrans class looks to BoneData to manage it, and BoneData looks to LimbData to manage it.

Base CAT classes


This class is at the root of the rig control structure in CAT. Its job is to provide the common functionality required by all the classes that make up CAT's rig structure, and a method of iterating all the controls that make up a given CAT rig.

Some major functionality provided:

CATNodeControl : CATControl

The CATNodeControl class specializes the CATControl class for the Matrix3 controllers applied to INodes. This class is the primary workhorse of the CATSystem. It provides all the functions for managing the rig elements data, and returning values to Max. In general, if 3ds Max calls a function on a CAT element, CATNodeControl will be the class that implements the function.

Primary tasks:


This class is the base of the layer system. A layer is essentially a list controller – it contains an array of generic Max controllers, and it merges their values according to the rules of the layer. The rules are specified by the type of layer, this data is stored on the CATClipRoot LayerDesc classes. Originally, we had an implementation of CATClipValue for every value type in Max – float, position, rotation, point3 etc. However, over time we have removed almost all these layer types, and now simply provide implementations of float (CATClipFloat) for scalar values, and Matrix3 (CATClipMatrix3) for transform values. The basic list behavior functionality is implemented in CATClipValue. Here you can find the code for adding/removing layers, cloning, maintaining weights etc. The implementation's main job is to calculate the value of the appropriate type. CATClipFloat is fairly simple, but CATClipMatrix3 contains a lot of calculation to generate its values and handle things like inheritance correctly.