Overview: Plug-ins

A plug-in describes scene entities, such as procedural (parametric) objects, materials, etc, processes that manipulate them, such as the process of rendering or exporting a scene, or customize how 3ds Max looks and behaves. Plug-ins can be written in C++, MAXScript, or .NET. Most plug-ins are written in C++.

Plugins are packaged in DLLs (dynamic load libraries). 3ds Max recognizes DLLs that contain plugins and loads them into its process space when it starts up or when an instance of a plug-in from that DLL is required to perform a task, such as importing data from a file in a given format into the 3ds Max scene. To speed up the plug-in DLL identification process, 3ds Max looks in specific folders for DLL files with specific extensions such as dlo, dlm, dlt, dlu, etc.

Most plug-ins fall into one of the following categories: