Create Character Set Options

See also Create character sets.


Specifies the name of the character set. Default name is charactern.

Hierarchy below selected node

Specifies that all of the objects in the hierarchy below the selected objects are included in the character set. When turned off, only the selected objects are included in the character set.


Specifies which attributes will be included with the character set as keyable. You can choose All Keyable, From Channel Box, or All Keyable Except.

All Keyable

Specifies that all the keyable attributes of all selected objects will be included as the character set’s attributes.

From Channel Box

Specifies that only the currently selected channels in the Channel Box will be included with the character set.

All Keyable except

Specifies whether certain attributes will be included with the character set. This allows you to control the number of attributes included in a character set as you create the character set. This can save you time, reduce the number of attributes listed in the Channel Box, and help make your animation work more efficient.


Specifies that the translation attributes will be included as keyable attributes unless checked on (default is off).


Specifies that the rotation attributes will be included as keyable attributes unless checked on (default is off).


Specifies that the scaling attributes will be excluded as keyable attributes unless checked off (default is on).


Specifies that the visibility attribute will be excluded as a keyable attribute unless checked off (default is on).


Specifies that any dynamic attributes will be excluded as keyable attributes unless checked off (default is off).

Redirect Character

Makes the current character set redirectable. When a character set is redirectable, this mean that you can now change the translation and orientation of already established (for example, motion capture) animation.

Rotation and Translation

Creates a rotation and translation control for the current character set.

Rotation Only

Creates a rotation redirection control for the current character set. The rotation redirection control appears at the origin of the current character.

The rotation redirection control is useful if you want to change the orientation of your character set’s pivot. For example, you can manipulate a rotation redirection control to get a character to turn 90 degrees (around a corner perhaps) halfway through its walk cycle.

Translation Only

Creates a translation redirection control for the current character set. The rotation redirection control appears at the origin of the current character.

The translation redirection control is useful if you want to change the translation of the point around which your object pivots. For example, you can manipulate the translation redirection control to change the place at which a character lands from a jump.