Duplicate target shapes

You can duplicate target shapes or groups of target shapes using the Shape Editor. When you duplicate a target shape, its attributes such as keys on the weight values are also duplicated. The duplicated target shape is associated to the same blend shape deformer as the original.

When you duplicate a group of target shapes, all its members are duplicated, not just ones that are selected.


To duplicate target shapes

  1. In the Shape Editor, select one or more target shapes or groups of target shapes to duplicate.

    If you want to duplicate in-between shapes for the target shape, add them to the selection.

  2. Choose Shapes > Duplicate Target or press Ctrl+D.

    You can also right-click a selected target shape and choose Duplicate Target, or right-click a selected group and choose Duplicate Group.

    The target shape or group and all of its contents are duplicated and placed directly below the original target shapes using its name plus a "_Copy" suffix. You can rename each duplicate as you like.