
Dropoff Locator Attributes

Along with the Percent, Param, and Local Position attributes listed here, two other attributes are available to control the deformation effects of a wire dropoff locator: the Twist attribute and the Envelope attribute. These attributes are available as general deformer node attributes. See General deformer node attributes.


Specifies the local effect the locator has on the influence wire’s dropoff. By default, the influence wire has two implicit locators at each end with a Percent of 1.000. Other locators have an effect relative to the Percent of those locators. Use the slider to select values from 0.000 to 1.000. Default is 1.000. Note that this attribute is also available as an attribute of the wire deformer.


Specifies the location of the wire dropoff locator on the influence wire curve. The value is in terms of the curve’s U parameter. Note that this attribute is also available as an attribute of the wire deformer.

Local Position

Specifies the local position of the wire dropoff locator on the influence wire curve.