Key the target shape weights

Using the Shape Editor, you can set keys on the weight values for target shapes, a group, or blend shape deformers. Keying an individual target shape's weight at 1 keys the influence of that target shape only, ignoring the possible blending influences of the other target shapes.

Once you have keyed the weight values, you can edit the resulting curve in the graph editor, or edit the keys in the dopesheet.


To key one or more selected target shape's weight

  1. In the Time Slider, click the frame where you want to set the key.
  2. In the Shape Editor, set each target shape's Weight by dragging its slider or entering a value to create the desired blend shape - see Set weights for target shapes.
  3. Select one or more target shapes and do one of the following to set a key at this frame using their current weight values:
    • Click the Key icon at the end of a selected target shape's slider so it turns red.
    • Middle-drag the Key icon onto a frame in the timeline.
    • Right-click the Key icon and choose Key Current. You can also choose Key at 0 or Key at 1 to automatically set the target shapes' weight values to 0 or 1 and then set a key.
    • Right-click a selected target shape name and choose Key.
    • Choose Shapes > Key.

    This sets a key for each selected target shape at its current Weight value.

    The Weight text box turns red when there's a key for that target shape, pink when you move to a frame where there's no key, and light pink when you have changed the Weight value from what was keyed at that frame.

  4. Continue with these steps to animate the shape deformation on the base object.
Note: You can key the weight of selected blend shape deformers using the same method. See Scale the influence of the blend shape for information about setting the BSD weight.

To key a group of target shapes

  1. In the Time Slider, click the frame where you want to set the key.
  2. In the Shape Editor, select or create a group that includes the target shapes you want to key - see Create groups of target shapes or blend shape deformers.
  3. Set the group's weight slider to the value you want.
  4. Click the Key icon beside the slider, or right-click the selected group and choose Key.

    This sets a key for the group's weight value, which includes the current weight for each of the target shapes within that group.

    You can also right-click the group and choose Key Group Members to set a key on each of the target shapes directly.

To remove a weight key

  1. In the Shape Editor, select one or more target shapes, groups, or blend shape deformers.
  2. In the Time Slider, go to a frame where there is a key set for the selected items.
  3. Right-click the Key icon for one of the selected items and choose Remove Key.

    This removes the key for each selected item's weight at this frame.

To key the target shape weights using the Channel Box

  1. In the Time Slider, click the frame where you want to set the key.
  2. In the Channel Box, select a target shape channel under the base object's INPUT list.
  3. Set the target shape channel's weight value by middle-dragging in the view or entering a value.
  4. Press the S key, or right-click the target shape channel and choose Key Selected.

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