Interactive Learning in Maya

Interactive tutorials let you get up to speed with fun, guided projects.

If you're new to Maya, try starting with the Getting Started tab on the left side of Application Home. In here, you'll find interactive experiences aimed at teaching you essential skills.
Note: Interactive learning is only available on Windows and Mac.

New to 3D?

Click Start Interactive Tutorial to begin the basics tutorial. In this tutorial, you learn basic Maya skills with help from Mayabot, your virtual instructor, while you help it navigate around its hometown and move some objects.

The Interactive Tutorials section offers additional interactive tutorials that cover introductions to Modeling, Animation, and Lighting & Shading. Click any of the tiles to start the corresponding tutorial.

New to Maya, but not to 3D?

If you're well-versed in 3D concepts and navigation, but new to Maya's interface, click Start Quick Tour for a stepped overview of its most useful concepts and tools. Each step includes a link to more detailed documentation on the featured item. This experience is faster than the interactive tutorials, although less thorough.