
A vectorExtrude node is created when you create a Type or SVG object.


Enable Extrusion

When enabled, mesh objects are extruded forward to add depth, otherwise they are left as planes. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Enable Extrusion attribute.

Offset Extrude As Fraction

When enabled, converts the Extrude Offset attribute to a percentage of the shortest edge in the mesh. When Extrude Offset is set to a value between 0 and 1, this will ensure inside-out bevels are not created. Default value is on.

Extrude Distance

Controls how far the polygons are extruded. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Extrude Distance attribute.

Extrude Divisions

Controls the number of subdivisions along the extruded faces. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Extrude Divisions attribute.

Extrude Offset

Sets an offset for the mesh extrusion. When Fractional Offset is disabled, this offset is presented in scene units. When Offset Extrude As Fraction is enabled, this offset is presented as a percentage of the shortest edge in the mesh. Shares the same value as the connected Type or SVG node's Extrude Offset attribute.

Snap to Grid

When enabled, control points in the Extrusion Profile Curve snap to graph points when dragged over them. Default is off.

Extrusion Profile Curve

This graph controls the shape of the extrusion. The leftmost point always represents the position of the original type before extrusion, while all points to the right of it represent positions relative to it. You can open the curve in its own window or return it to its default shape by clicking the left and right buttons above the graph respectively. Shares the same shape as the connected Type or SVG node's Extrusion Profile Curve.

Custom Profiles

Allows you to save up to 12 custom Extrusion Profile Curve shapes. You can save shapes by clicking the save button beside the Custom Profiles attribute name. If you already have 12 profiles saved, clicking the button saves over the oldest one.


Enable Front Bevel

Applies a bevel to the mesh as a set of extrusions on the front cap. The controlling attributes below it mirror the functionality of the Extrude attributes.

Note: Offset Extrude As Fraction in both the Extrusion and Bevel sections represent the same attribute.

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