Maya 2024 Fixed Issues

This page lists what's fixed in Maya, Maya Creative, or both. If you are upgrading from Maya 2023, please note that this release also includes fixes delivered in the Maya 2023.1, Maya 2023.2, and Maya 2023.3 updates.

Animation layers do not preserve transformation when rotation order is changed MAYA-105336
Crash using Euler Filter in GraphEditor MAYA-106569
Selecting multiple meshes with different curve color results in one color on the timeline MAYA-106642
playRange changes are not undoable MAYA-108489
Keying a large number of attributes in animation layers is extremely slow MAYA-111153
Audio plays twice in camera sequencer playblast MAYA-112582
Timeslider Bookmark does not auto-load MAYA-113162
Empty message in Channel Box doesn't go away upon selection MAYA-113452
Crash rotating controllers on a splineIK rig MAYA-113859
Querying keyframe inside a MAnimMessage AnimCurveEditedCallback raises exception MAYA-114054
Delay in evaluation when Line Width of nurbsCurve is controlled by an attribute MAYA-114333
Profiler event name becomes garbled when node does not exist in the scene MAYA-114516
Parts of the playblast audio are lost when the audio frame range is adjusted in Time Editor MAYA-115078
Keyed blend shape not updating properly MAYA-115142
fitBspline returns max parameter of 0.0 when endpoint is identical to startpoint MAYA-115216
splineIK solver will crash with bad input curve parameterization MAYA-115217
Crash in rigs which use xformMatrix plug on transforms MAYA-120732
Maya freezes playing back in Sequencer MAYA-120897
Graph Editor : Maya stops working when the width of the Graph View is reduced MAYA-121153
MFnSkinCluster::setWeights continues to consume more memory MAYA-121154
Grease Pencil frames are incorrectly scaled when imported into Blue Pencil MAYA-121237
FBX export fails on objects with proxy attributes MAYA-121550
Copy Skin Weights regression if more than one mesh used as source MAYA-121693
Bend deformer deletion also deletes transform MAYA-121711
Scrubbing in the Graph Editor doesn't trigger MAnimControl::isScrubbing MAYA-122008
Playback can skip last frame when looping is set to 'once' MAYA-122311
Blue Pencil: 2D pan/zoom doesn't work with orthographic views MAYA-122533
Image sequence paths no longer support # or * MAYA-122692
Crash when accessing light data in shader node's compute MAYA-122826
Jittering with motion path setup with a NURBS curve MAYA-123045
Bake Simulation deletes keys outside baking range even with "keep unbaked keys" on MAYA-123141
Proxy attribute cannot be removed from AnimLayer MAYA-123360
Crash when Baking AnimLayers containing proxy attrs MAYA-123531
Freeze scrubbing Time Slider after importing geometry cache exported with FPS setting of 23.976 MAYA-123578
Python scriptNode evaluation fails in parallel evaluation MAYA-124027
PasteKey not fully working with animLayer MAYA-124029
Unkeyed proxy attributes of node get disconnected from target on baking MAYA-124033
Crash when running "bakePartialHistory" on a shape node MAYA-124070
Pitch difference when playblasting with Time Editor audio MAYA-124453
Show Ornaments checkbox missing from Playblast Sequence Options MAYA-124474
Unexpected behavior while updating a transform when a keyframe exists and autokey is enabled MAYA-124605
Crash using Blue Pencil when playing back with Graph Editor open MAYA-125033
Freeze when scrubbing the timeline at DependEngine!TdrawDbChangeTracker::isListeningToSource MAYA-125552
proximityWrap's attribute "cache" causes error during file open MAYA-125648
HUD script being called in batch mode MAYA-125912
Deselecting objects in the Graph Editor causes temporary freeze MAYA-125919
newStartTime/newEndTime flags of scaleKey not working MAYA-126146
Merging animation layers breaks texture display with UV tiling MAYA-121634
Animation Performance
Crash with parallel evaluation of multiple polyEdgeToCurves using Smooth Mesh Preview MAYA-102312
HIK rig in Parallel Evaluation mode crashes on load MAYA-105936
Cached Playback : nParticles scene with gameVertexCount plugin loaded crashes on playback MAYA-115080
Rig controls break when manipulating keys with cache ON MAYA-121411
Crash with blendshape deformer on GPU MAYA-121582
Cached Playback : Objects with animated visibility are displayed at the origin MAYA-121977
Crash when scrubbing timeline in parallel mode MAYA-122446
Cached playback is incorrect after muting animation layers MAYA-122898
Follicles not updating correctly on playback MAYA-126081
GPU Override : Mesh explodes moving controller when skin cluster set to Dual Quaternion MAYA-126135
GPU Override : Mesh exploded on load and scene crashes with rig animation MAYA-127100
FBX export fails on objects with custom attributes MAYA-121966
Cannot import Alias FBX files MAYA-122063
Crash when clicking attribute of plugin node after renaming without pressing key MAYA-104929
command "mayaDpiSetting" not available on macOS needs to be updated in Docs MAYA-110480
Unicode strings are being truncated in Maya with PySide2 MAYA-111035
Graph Editor : Stats numeric inputs are not working reliably on Windows MAYA-112650
MDataHandle is not working with plug-in MPxData as internal attribute MAYA-112890
Crash when python sequence object is passed to objectType command MAYA-114494
Crash when running playblast from mayapy.exe MAYA-114830
Graph Editor : Cannot copy/paste keys if the script editor window is underneath MAYA-115021
MPxContext::doHold() is not called MAYA-115033
Crash when opening Alias model MAYA-115035
Imported audio clips don't retain filename MAYA-120666
Plugin compiled with "-ffast-math" causes Maya to crash for certain operations MAYA-120852
Vanishing surfaces when importing WIRE file with Aruba tessellation and stitching enabled MAYA-120940
Plugin node deriving from MPxBlendShape has incorrect apiType MAYA-121114
Node Editor should not update when opening or reloading references MAYA-121117
Error when querying attributes on uvPin node through API MAYA-121120
MFnAnimCurve::evaluate will return ticks with MTime instead of frame MAYA-121382
Graph Editor : Pressing "F" to frame keys brings the Hypershade to the foreground MAYA-121698
Slow save performance with mayaAscii files when using long string attributes with new lines MAYA-121712
Show/hide commands can modify locked/connected visibility attributes MAYA-121854
After referencing the same file multiple times, save and reopen doesn't retain the correct namespace MAYA-121907
FBX fails to export custom attributes if root node is lodGroup MAYA-121976
Export selected also exports referenced editsMA files MAYA-122087
Shelf icon label cannot be saved MAYA-122564
Maya failing to load via File->Recent Files MAYA-122688
Custom transform with incoming connection doesn't evaluate properly MAYA-122884
Crash with PySide2.QtWidgets MAYA-123035
Obj from Artec 3D cannot be imported into Maya MAYA-123730
When referencing two identical assets, sub-namespace appears on the second referenced hierarchy MAYA-123731
MPxTransform::validateAndSetValue() is not called and transform limits are not applied MAYA-123767
Camera bookmark editor 'Apply' button not working MAYA-123988
When using a relative file path, attempting to remove the reference file leads to an error MAYA-124032
Node order is changed under referenced node MAYA-124558
Qt UI doesn't show specific icon images on windows MAYA-124590
Lost namespace if scene includes namespaced expression and Cached Playback is enabled MAYA-124627
lockNode should be released when opening a new scene or another scene MAYA-124921
Missing xgen dependencies in the Maya linux deployment package MAYA-124962
MLibrary applications crash on exit MAYA-125166
Mel proc setOptionVars should not be declared global in cleanUpScene.mel MAYA-125398
Node Editor: Cursor goes to end of line when inserting text MAYA-125567
Remove "f=0" file option from Maya files MAYA-125773
MRichSelection copy constructor causes memory corruption MAYA-125774
Script editor executes code when it shouldn't MAYA-126009
textScrollList background color does not work MAYA-126734
Paint Fluids Tool Options fail with warning if Paint Attributes Tool Options haven't been accessed first. MAYA-111277
listRelatives command does not respect noIntermediate=True MAYA-114609
Zooming with alt + mouse scroll wheel is not working in Direct X11 viewport MAYA-123990
Maya scene using Referenced USD has wrong translator MAYA-110448
Layer assignments are lost importing ALIAS .WIRE file with transform using "ATF stitching service" and "Separation by Layers" MAYA-121723
Crash deleting too many edges at the same time MAYA-102882
"polyRemesh" command's documentation page still refers to removed flag "-refineThreshold(-rft)" MAYA-104890
Crash in TmidCompConvert when doing Isolate Select on UV Shells in some scenes MAYA-112332
When referencing a skin mesh with history, "Non-Deformer History" will break the skin's weight MAYA-112363
UV Move tool activation for UV shells is significantly slower with multiple objects compared to single objects MAYA-113591
Viewcube disappears clicking multi-cut tool in Modeling toolkit MAYA-114581
Component tags are not preserved through 'duplicate' MAYA-114639
Detach edges will split UVs at unselected edges MAYA-114722
Creating color set with gameVertexCount plugin loaded crashes Maya MAYA-115093
Running Retopologize doesn't handle per face shading on an object and results in shader/material loss MAYA-115106
Component Tags are not preserved after deleting faces MAYA-121851
Some UV Editor tools will record construction history despite construction history off in the status line MAYA-122366
Incorrect component snapping MAYA-122582
F To frame components In Isolated View will frame entire mesh MAYA-122789
Crash in TspatialGrid:getVoxelContents MAYA-122968
If blendShape uses the same colorSet name, changing the base colorSet name will result in the same name for the target MAYA-125262
Crash when unlocking mesh normals MAYA-127047
Running Retopologize doesn't handle per face shading on an object and results in shader/material loss MAYA-127126
Pixel snapping does not work in UV Editor with custom hardware shaders MAYA-90976
Snap To Points not working with Isolate Select MAYA-98198
Artifact shadows appear when raising and lowering a polygon face MAYA-125167
Motion Graphics
Scripted MASH ReproMesh not evaluated until Maya ends script MAYA-122215
Playblast renderers blank grey if Hypershade Material Viewer is selected MAYA-84146
Render fails with the "Maya Hardware 2.0 Renderer" when Hypershade is open MAYA-110035
Playblast renders blank grey if Hypershade is open MAYA-121313
Unable to save current hotkey when Color Management Policy XML file is set and locked MAYA-123136
OpenColorIO aliases are not working MAYA-127513
The default format for Floating Point Render Target is now R16G16B16A16_Float on macOS systems MAYA-127522
Removing unused influences causes a jump in memory usage MAYA-93658
Using cmds.deformerWeights to import JSON weights results in vertex 0 receiving 0 weights MAYA-111486
Selecting vertices is slow when Smooth Skins tab is displayed MAYA-114985
Node Editor toolbar buttons do not remember collapsed state when switching tabs MAYA-120889
Remove Unused Deformers removes deformer using ComponentTags MAYA-121464
Invisibility Evaluator : Evaluation issue with snapping IK nodes with keys to FK MAYA-121539
Copy Skin Weights between NURBS and polygons does not work MAYA-122116
Cycle warning when editing blendshape in the shape editor MAYA-123097
copyDeformerWeights doesn't work with componentTags MAYA-123546
Auto-save re-positions Influences list MAYA-124522
Deformed NURBS surface breaks when painting weights MAYA-124745
Bind pose not recovered from FBX file MAYA-126710
USD support for Offset Parent Matrix MAYA-124097
SkinWeight painting doesn't update on GPU MAYA-124829
Marking menu can become stuck and continually appears on simple mouse click when pressing w, e, r, t keys (cmd key mac, cntrl key windows and linux) MAYA-65852
ShaderFX : Memory leak of ReadPixels in DX11 MAYA-114691
Copy/Paste with MMB causes double paste in Script editor MAYA-120766
"Repeat Last" and "Recent Commands List" do not work after using a command through hotkeys or "Search" MAYA-121228
An issue with restoring workspace control when the control UIs are arranged in a 2x2 grid MAYA-121726
Zooming with alt + mouse scroll wheel is not working MAYA-121758
Auto Normalization needs to support multi-language MAYA-122965
Mac: Graph Editor is scaled too small if "render OpenGL surfaces at full resolution" is disabled MAYA-124891
DeleteUI window with evalDeferred does not work properly MAYA-125147
Graph Editor turns black on Linux MAYA-125684
Playblast UI only allows a max framePadding of 4 MAYA-126079
Output Window drops a character randomly in a multi-byte locale system MAYA-123466
UFE cameras should draw in the Viewport MAYA-108122
Loading the ALab is slow MAYA-113230
When parenting a prim to a collapsed group, it auto-expands the group MAYA-114344
Load with descendants collapses expanded sibling hierarchies MAYA-114346
USDExport: using "parentScope" and "exportRoots" flags together returns an error MAYA-114678
Conflict checking when stripping namespaces and specifying roots MAYA-115170
MaterialX/USD : V2 lighting should support ambient lights MAYA-121806
Textured Control is not connected for USD data MAYA-122280
ALT + Arrow key shortcut does not work on USD data model MAYA-122562
Illegal handleUndo error when undoing creating a group on a USD prim MAYA-123513
Crash parenting something to a deactivated prim MAYA-123815
Crash: Duplicate within plugin's activate method MAYA-123978
[Github 2372] Import: "useAsAnimationCache" flag not working MAYA-124459
[Github #2093] UFE: printing rename command with UFE strings returns "none" MAYA-124571
[GitHub #2518] Export of bezierCurve type Curves is Incorrect MAYA-124789
Renaming: renaming a USD object to its own name will cause a new increment to be added MAYA-124971
Rename: using suffix "#" when renaming UFE objects doesn't increment, but gets converted to "_" MAYA-124973
Unable to switch variants when Session Layer is targeted MAYA-125991
Cannot create a prim on a sibling layer MAYA-126141
mayaUsd.ufe.stagePath() returns incorrect value MAYA-126653
Driver bug: Screen-space ambient occlusion artifacts when using USD instancing & VP2 MAYA-112995
When exporting a USD file with an offset pivot, the scale manipulator doesn't respect the offset MAYA-124897
Reparenting can break material bindings in the Viewport MAYA-72000
Mesh tangents are not updated when changing the tangent smoothing angle in Viewport 2.0 MAYA-90492
Viewport 2.0: Normals Display Scale does not work on NURBS surfaces MAYA-94700
Viewport 2.0: Support stereo camera clipping plane workflow MAYA-99770
Viewport 2.0: MPxContext::drawFeedback not being cleared when camera is moved MAYA-112861
Viewport 2.0: Isolate select is not working as expected in DX11 mode MAYA-124454
Selection priority of joints and selection handles is the same in Viewport 2.0 MAYA-98218
Cannot select faces using default material and Cage + Smooth Mesh display mode MAYA-103801
Support for multiple paths with SHADERFX_CUSTOMUSERPATH MAYA-112158
Viewport shadow color does not update dynamically when value changes MAYA-113393
Image planes cannot be selected in some cases MAYA-113769
Image Plane : Alpha Gain does not work properly when Image Plane contains an alpha channel MAYA-124462
Standard Surface displays black if UDIM file texture is connected to multiple channels MAYA-113806
OGS detecting wrong GPU memory limit on certain Intel GPU systems (1024) MAYA-114969
Provide feedback when setting uvTilingMode=3 to load tile texture MAYA-121239
Toggling off Hold-Outs in the Show menu shows incorrect material color MAYA-121329
MPxGeometryOverride selection issue when vertices drawn through MUIDrawManager::lineStrip MAYA-121924
Crash in DelayConsolidation MAYA-122503
Maya crashes in parallel evaluation after loading reference MAYA-122707
Custom DX11 shader causes the mesh to be removed from GPU evaluation MAYA-122970
MASH boundingBoxes representation on instancer disappears from viewport MAYA-123499
cvColorNode plug-in causes a crash when selecting/deselecting object MAYA-123672
Cannot create IK handle by selecting joints in the Viewport MAYA-124028
Selection highlighting incorrect with isolate selected components MAYA-124176
MPxSurfaceShapeUI sometimes crashes when using VP1 selection in Viewport 2.0 MAYA-124851
Transparency sorting error with a plane if Consolidate World is enabled MAYA-125031
Undoing material assigned via script leads to deallocated material and crash MAYA-125045
Crash when gpuCache file name/path are empty MAYA-125071
Error appears when selecting "View" menu after creating a Stereo Camera MAYA-125141
Multiple referenced XGen objects fail to auto load in the same scene MAYA-107883
OpenCL XGen brush issue on Intel GPUs MAYA-109615