Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


nurbsUVSet [-create] [-useExplicit boolean]

nurbsUVSet is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Allows user to toggle between implicit and explicit UVs on a NURBS object. Also provides a facility to create, delete, rename and set the current explicit UVSet. An implicit UVSet is non-editable. It uses the parametric make-up of the NURBS object to determine the location of UVs (isoparm intersections). NURBS objects also support explicit UVSets which are similar to the UVs of a polygonal object. UVs are created at the knots (isoparm intersections) of the object and are fully editable. In order to access UV editing capabilities on a NURBS object an explicit UVSet must be created and set as the current UVSet.

Return value

booleanSuccess or Failure.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


nurbs, uvSet, currentUVSet, renameUVSet, deleteUVSet, copyUVSet, createUVSet


nurbsCopyUVSet, nurbsEditUV


create, useExplicit
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-create(-c) createqueryedit
Creates an explicit UV set on the specified surface. If the surface already has an explicit UV set this flag will do nothing. Use the -ue/useExplicit flag to set/unset the explicit UV set as the current UV set.
-useExplicit(-ue) boolean createqueryedit
Toggles the usage of explicit/implicit UVs. When true, explicit UVs will be used, otherwise the object will use implicit UVs.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

string $result[] = `sphere`;
string $shape = $result[0];
select -r $shape;

// Create and activate a UV set
nurbsUVSet -create;
nurbsUVSet -useExplicit 1;

select -r ($shape+".cv[3:5][2:4]");

// Rotate the UVs by 45 degrees
nurbsEditUV -angle 45;