Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


transferAttributes( object object , [after=boolean], [afterReference=boolean], [before=boolean], [colorBorders=uint], [components=boolean], [deformerTools=boolean], [exclusive=string], [flipUVs=uint], [frontOfChain=boolean], [geometry=string], [geometryIndices=boolean], [ignoreSelected=boolean], [includeHiddenSelections=boolean], [matchChoice=uint], [name=string], [parallel=boolean], [prune=boolean], [remove=boolean], [sampleSpace=uint], [searchMethod=uint], [searchScaleX=float], [searchScaleY=float], [searchScaleZ=float], [selectedComponents=boolean], [sourceColorSet=string], [sourceUvSet=string], [sourceUvSpace=string], [split=boolean], [targetColorSet=string], [targetUvSet=string], [targetUvSpace=string], [transferColors=uint], [transferNormals=uint], [transferPositions=uint], [transferUVs=uint], [useComponentTags=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

transferAttributes is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Samples the attributes of a source surface (first argument) and transfers them onto a target surface (second argument).

Return value

stringThe node name.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


after, afterReference, before, colorBorders, components, deformerTools, exclusive, flipUVs, frontOfChain, geometry, geometryIndices, ignoreSelected, includeHiddenSelections, matchChoice, name, parallel, prune, remove, sampleSpace, searchMethod, searchScaleX, searchScaleY, searchScaleZ, selectedComponents, sourceColorSet, sourceUvSet, sourceUvSpace, split, targetColorSet, targetUvSet, targetUvSpace, transferColors, transferNormals, transferPositions, transferUVs, useComponentTags
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
after(af) boolean createedit
If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto the existing chain is not the desired behavior then this flag can be used to force the command to place the deformer node after the selected node in the chain even if a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
afterReference(ar) boolean createedit
The -afterReference flag is used to specify deformer ordering in a hybrid way that choses between -before and -after automatically. If the geometry being deformed is referenced then the -after mode is used when adding the new deformer, otherwise the -before mode is used. The net effect when using -afterReference to build deformer chains is that internal shape nodes in the deformer chain will only appear at reference file boundaries, leading to lightweight deformer networks that may be more amicable to reference swapping.
before(bf) boolean createedit
If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto the existing chain is not the desired behavior then this flag can be used to force the command to place the deformer node before the selected node in the chain even if a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
colorBorders(clb) uint createedit
Controls whether color borders are preserved when transferring color data. If this is non-zero, any color borders will be mapped onto the nearest edge on the target geometry. 0 means any color borders will be smoothly blended onto the vertices of the target geometry.
components(cmp) boolean query
Returns the components used by the deformer
deformerTools(dt) boolean query
Returns the name of the deformer tool objects (if any) as string string ...
exclusive(ex) string createquery
Puts the deformation set in a deform partition.
flipUVs(fuv) uint createedit
Controls how sampled UV data is flipped before being transferred to the target. 0 means no flipping; 1 means UV data is flipped in the U direction; 2 means UV data is flipped in the V direction; and 3 means it is flipped in both directions. In conjunction with mirroring, this allows the creation of symmetric UV mappings (e.g. the left hand side of the character on one side of the UV map, the right hand side on the other).
frontOfChain(foc) boolean createedit
This command is used to specify that the new deformer node should be placed ahead (upstream) of existing deformer and skin nodes in the shape's history (but not ahead of existing tweak nodes). The input to the deformer will be the upstream shape rather than the visible downstream shape, so the behavior of this flag is the most intuitive if the downstream deformers are in their reset (hasNoEffect) position when the new deformer is added. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
geometry(g) string queryeditmultiuse
The specified object will be added to the list of objects being deformed by this deformer object, unless the -rm flag is also specified. When queried, this flag returns string string string ...
geometryIndices(gi) boolean query
Complements the -geometry flag in query mode. Returns the multi index of each geometry.
ignoreSelected(ignoreSelected) boolean create
Tells the command to not deform objects on the current selection list
includeHiddenSelections(ihs) boolean create
Apply the deformer to any visible and hidden objects in the selection list. Default is false.
matchChoice(mch) uint createedit
When using topological component matching, selects between possible matches. If the meshes involved in the transfer operation have symmetries in their topologies, there may be more than one possible topological match. Maya scores the possible matches (by comparing the shapes of the meshes) and assigns them an index, starting at zero. Match zero, the default, is considered the best, but in the event that Maya chooses the wrong one, changing this value will allow the user to explore the other matches.
name(n) string create
Used to specify the name of the node being created.
parallel(par) boolean createedit
Inserts the new deformer in a parallel chain to any existing deformers in the history of the object. A blendShape is inserted to blend the parallel results together. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
prune(pr) boolean edit
Removes any points not being deformed by the deformer in its current configuration from the deformer set.
remove(rm) boolean editmultiuse
Specifies that objects listed after the -g flag should be removed from this deformer.
sampleSpace(spa) uint createedit
Selects which space the attribute transfer is performed in. 0 is world space, 1 is model space, 4 is component-based, 5 is topology-based. The default is world space.
searchMethod(sm) uint createedit
Specifies which search method to use when correlating points. 0 is closest along normal, 3 is closest to point. The default is closest to point.
searchScaleX(ssx) float createedit
Specifies an optional scale that should be applied to the x-axis of the target model before transferring data. A value of 1.0 (the default) means no scaling; a value of -1.0 would indicate mirroring along the x-axis.
searchScaleY(ssy) float createedit
Specifies an optional scale that should be applied to the y-axis of the target model before transferring data. A value of 1.0 (the default) means no scaling; a value of -1.0 would indicate mirroring along the y-axis.
searchScaleZ(ssz) float createedit
Specifies an optional scale that should be applied to the z-axis of the target model before transferring data. A value of 1.0 (the default) means no scaling; a value of -1.0 would indicate mirroring along the z-axis.
selectedComponents(cms) boolean query
Returns the components used by the deformer that are currently selected. This intersects the current selection with the components affected by the deformer.
sourceColorSet(scs) string create
Specifies the name of a single color set on the source surface(s) that should be transferred to the target. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer a single color set (see the transferColors flag).
sourceUvSet(suv) string create
Specifies the name of a single UV set on the source surface(s) that should be transferred to the target. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer a single UV set (see the transferUVs flag).
sourceUvSpace(sus) string create
Specifies the name of the UV set on the source surface(s) that should be used as the transfer space. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer attributes in UV space.
split(sp) boolean createedit
Branches off a new chain in the dependency graph instead of inserting/appending the deformer into/onto an existing chain. Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has no geometry added yet).
targetColorSet(tcs) string create
Specifies the name of a single color set on the target surface that should be receive the sampled color data. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer a single color set (see the transferColors flag).
targetUvSet(tuv) string create
Specifies the name of a single UV set on the target surface that should be receive the sampled UV data. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer a single UV set (see the transferUVs flag).
targetUvSpace(tus) string create
Specifies the name of the UV set on the target surface( that should be used as the transfer space. This value is only used when the operation is configured to transfer attributes in UV space.
transferColors(col) uint createedit
Controls color set transfer. 0 means no color sets are transferred, 1 means that a single color set (specified by sourceColorSet and targetColorSet) is transferred, and 2 means that all color sets are transferred.
transferNormals(nml) uint createedit
A non-zero value indicates vertex normals should be sampled and written into user normals on the target surface.
transferPositions(pos) uint createedit
A non-zero value indicates vertex position should be sampled, causing the target surface to "wrap" to the source surface(s).
transferUVs(uvs) uint createedit
Controls UV set transfer. 0 means no UV sets are transferred, 1 means that a single UV set (specified by sourceUVSet and targetUVSet) is transferred, and 2 means that all UV sets are transferred.
useComponentTags(uct) boolean create
When this flag is specified a setup using componentTags will be created. This means no groupId, groupParts, tweak or objectSet nodes will be created and connected to the new deformer.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Transfer all UV and color sets from pCube1 onto pSphere1
cmds.transferAttributes( 'pCube1', 'pSphere1', transferUVs=2, transferColors=2 )