USD for Maya v0.22.0 Release Notes

USD version 0.22.0 is a feature release with your installation of Maya 2024. Visit the official Autodesk MayaUSD GitHub repository to obtain this version or any subsequent releases.

Note: For working with USD and other plug-ins in the Maya ecosystem, visit this support article for version-specific compatibilities.

We are actively working on integrating Pixar’s Hydra framework, and have now removed the experimental MtoH plug-in. Look to upcoming releases for more information on Hydra for Maya (Technology Preview). Hydra for Maya is a Technology Preview and has similar capabilities to MtoH but is not production ready or available with this release. Hydra for Maya is also not supported on MacOS.


This build is compiled with USD 22.11 and MaterialX 1.38.5. This release installer includes the following improvements:

General Updates:

Enhancements/ Support:

What's Fixed

Fixed Issues from GitHub
[Github #2372] Import: "useAsAnimationCache" flag not working MAYA-124459
[Github #2518] Export of bezierCurve type Curves is Incorrect MAYA-124789
General Fixed Issues
mayaUsd.ufe.stagePath() returns incorrect value MAYA-126653
Changing the orientation of a pivot on a single prim changes it for all prims MAYA-123944
Variant switching must orphan pull information MAYA-125036
Undo of delete on ancestor of pulled node must not show incorrect variant MAYA-125101
Edit as Maya Data: merging pulled data while in a different variant arc breaks the variants connection MAYA-126179
Crash when Merging to USD in a file with prim that is saved in Edit As Maya state MAYA-126183
Maya Error message when switching a variant back to a pulled prim MAYA-126538
Variant switch does not orphan pulled Maya Reference MAYA-126891
Saving a root layer to a file name with the wrong extension crashes Maya MAYA-127327

Known Limitations

The following list of limitations remains in flux as development is ongoing.

USD stage creation workflow limitations

See Create a USD stage for more information

USD import and export workflow limitations

See USD import options and USD export options for more information

USD materials workflow limitations

See USD import options for more information

Push/Pull workflow limitations

See edit as Maya data for more information

Maya reference limitations

See add a Maya reference for more information

Display Layer limitations

See work with prims as display layers for more information

Viewport display limitations

See the following Github discussion topic and USD data in the Viewport topic for more information