Maya's core viewport renderer VP2 supports fast load times of USD data. See the sections below to access visibility toggles and options based on the USD data you have selected in the Outliner or the Attribute Editor.
Visibility: When set to Invisible, the selected prim and its descendants are hidden in the Viewport. When set to Inherited, the visibility of the selected prim is the same as the prim's parent. For more information, see Visibility in the Pixar USD Glossary.
Purpose: Lets you classify prims (geometry) into visibility categories, so they can each be included or excluded from traversals of prims on a stage. Assign the purpose of a prim to specify its render fidelity in the viewport. When purpose is assigned to a prim, it overrides the purpose of its descendants. When purpose is set, the viewport display can be filtered by purpose categories under Object Display for the stage (proxyShape node).
Related Concepts: See Purpose and Stage Traversal in the Pixar USD Glossary.
Object Display
Purpose: Toggle purpose categories on and off to change their visibility in the viewport. Set the purpose of prims individually to use this category filter on the stage and witness the filter in the Viewport.
The USD core provides a rendering framework called Hydra, which supports multiple rendering backends. The Maya to Hydra plug-in can be turned on in the Plug-in Manager (Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager > mtoh.mll). When on, you can select between the render delegates in the Renderer panel menu. Choose between the following two Renderer options:
See the following Github discussion topic and for more information
// Skip UFE nodes coming from USD runtime
// Those will be handled by USD Imaging delegate
MStatus status;
static const MString ufeRuntimeStr = "ufeRuntime";
MPlug ufeRuntimePlug = dagNode.findPlug(ufeRuntimeStr, false, &status);
if ((status == MS::kSuccess) && ufeRuntimePlug.asString() == "USD") {
return; }