USD prim types in the Outliner

To differentiate between various prim types, USD data in Maya features a unique set of prim icons and composition arc badges that are viewable from the Outliner.

Prim Type Icon Index

Prim type icons in the Outliner are based on an inheritance schema, which allows the descendants of a prim to gain a parent prim's icon unless it has a unique icon created for itself.

Icon Prim Type Description

BasisCurves are a batched curve representation, often used to render geometry like hair or grass.

NurbsCurves is a spec that supports batching of multiple curves into a single prim, widths, and normals in the schema.
Mesh A point-based prim that is defined in terms of points that are connected into edges and faces.
NurbsPatch A non-uniform spline surface with natural UV parameters. This enables you to "trim curves" and allow smooth shapes to be carved out of a surface.
Points A base class for prims that possess points, such as normals and velocities.
Capsule A prim shaped in the form of a capsule; a cylinder capped by two half spheres, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis.
Cone A prim shaped in the form of a cone; centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis, with the apex of the cone pointing in the direction of the positive axis.
Cube A rectilinear prim shaped in the form of a cube, centered at the origin.
Cylinder A prim shaped in the form of a cylinder, centered at the origin, whose spine is along the specified axis.
Sphere A prim shaped in the form of a sphere centered at the origin.
Volume A renderable volume prim.
PointInstancer A vectorized instancing of multiple, potentially animated, prototypes (object/instances), which can be arbitrary prims/subtrees on a stage. PointInstancer is a "multi instancer", as it allows multiple prototypes to be scattered among its "points".

A body and topology of a skeleton.
XForm An xform is the most robust prim type because it can be transformed.

A Maya reference and all its metadata.
Camera A transformable (XFormable) camera.








Lights can be linked to geometry. Linking controls which geometry a light illuminates, and which geometry casts shadows from the light.
Scope A scope is a container that cannot be transformed. It is the simplest prim type and is useful for creating a hierarchical structure. For example, materials are typically held within a scope, because they do not need to be transformed.
GeomSubset Encodes a subset of a piece of geometry. To apply a subset to a prim, a GeomSubset prim must be defined as a child of it.
NodeGraph NodeGraph is a container for shading nodes, as well as other node-graphs.
Material A Material provides a container into which multiple "render targets" can add data that defines a "shading material" for a renderer.
Shader Shaders are the building blocks of shading networks. These objects generally represent a single shading object, whether it exists in the target renderer or not.

The animation of a skeleton.
BlendShape A target blend shape, possibly containing in between shapes.
Backdrop Provides a 'group-box' for the purpose of node graph organization.
def A def is a type-less prim type. Since defs are empty and contain no information, they are used for defining references. A def can easily take on the prim type of the referenced prim, making it the ideal prim type for this scenario.
someOtherType Generic fallback for usdTyped schemas.
Note: If you are an advanced user, you can override any of the Outliner icons by simply placing a .png image file (with the correct name) in the XBMLANGPATH. This will normally be corresponding to the following folder path on your system:

When naming a file, ensure that it abides by the following nomenclature: out_USD_<nodetype>.png. Icons in Maya are supported for high resolution display, therefore you can include higher dpi versions such as out_USD_<nodetype>_150.png and out_USD_<nodetype>_200.png.

Icon Badges

To distinguish prims that have a composition arc and those that have a variant specifically, USD data in the Outliner features icon badges.

If a prim has any of the following composition arcs: inherit, reference, specialize, payload but doesn't have a variant, then it receives the composition arc badge.

Composition Arcs

Composition arcs are the "operators" that enable you to create relations between many layers in USD. Composition occurs when you open a stage, load or unload prims on a stage, or edit layers that contribute to the stage. There are six kinds of arcs: sublayers, inherits, variants, references, payloads, and specializes. In all arc types, stronger layers override weaker layers.

If a prim has a variant composition arc, then it receives the variant badge in addition to the composition arc badge.


A Variant is a single, named variation of a variant set. Each Variant Set is a package of alternatives that users can switch between non-destructively. A variant set has no limits to what it can store. A single prim can have many variants and variant sets, but only one variant from each variant set can be selected and set for a prim. Variants can be used to swap out a material or change the entire hierarchy of an asset. Use the USD Contextual Menu in the Outliner to switch between variants in a variant set.

Related Concepts: To learn more, see variant, variantSet in the Pixar USD Glossary.