Open a study that has been analyzed and add plot notes to the results.
Before generating the report, it is important to check the relevant default settings for report generation. These settings will be described in detail through the tutorial.
Download the files for this tutorial from Autodesk Knowledge Network - Generate reports tutorial.
Click > Options, and then select the Reports tab.
Ensure the Default reports format is set to HTML document and click OK.
Click (Start & Learn tab > Launch panel > New Project).
Enter Reports tutorial for the Project Name.
Click OK.
Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import).
Navigate to where you saved the tutorial files.
Select the file cellphone_study.sdy, and click Finish.
From the Study Tasks pane, select the Fill Time result.
The top left hand corner of the Model pane shows the fill time value.
Comments about this result can be entered in the Study Notes panel.
Click (View tab > Windows panel > User Interface) and select Notes from the drop-down menu.
There are two tabs available: Study Note and Plot Note.
Select the Plot Note tab and enter the following information:
The Fill time result shows that the part will fill in less than one second.
Select the Injection pressure result.
In the Plot Note tab enter the following information:
There is an imbalance in the pressure distribution at the end of fill. This could cause warpage.
Select the Temperature at flow front result.
In the Plot Note tab enter the following information:
The variance of this temperature is 6°C which means any weld lines formed will be of good quality.
Select the Weld lines result.
In the Plot Note tab enter the following information:
Although there are a lot of weld lines in the part, the flow front temperature difference across the part is 6°C. As this is less than the maximum variation of 10°C, the weld lines should all be of good quality.
Click Save Study on the Quick Access toolbar at the top of the window, to save the new notes.
You can now generate a report containing the results and their associated plot notes.
Parent topic: Generate reports
Next topic: Create the report