Animation preferences

The Preferences window includes the Animation preference settings.

To access the Animation preferences:

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, click the Animation preference option.
    The Animation preference settings display.
The following table describes the Object Animation preference settings.
Note: When you create character poses, the keying group defaults to “Full Body”. When you paste character poses, the keying group is always the active keying group. The choice between the “active” or “default” keying group setting applies to the creation of object poses.
Pose Controls settings Description
Use Default Keying Group The default keying group for object-pose creation is always, “TR” for translation and rotation channels.
Use Active Keying Group The keying group selected in the Key Controls window is always considered the “active” keying group when creating an object pose.

See Creating a custom keying group and Keying groups.