Filters preferences

In the Preferences window, the Filters preferences let you set defaults for filters that MotionBuilder applies during the plotting process.

To access the Filters preferences:

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, click the Filters preference option.
    The Filters preference settings display.

The Rotation Filter To Apply menu lets you choose between using the Unroll or Gimbal Killer filter during the plotting process. Modifying the Rotation Filter To Apply configuration options changes your data. The default option is Unroll.

The Use Constant Key Reducer option lets you minimize file sizes by eliminating unnecessary keys during the plotting process. Modifying this option changes your data. The default option is Active.

Constant keys occur when two keys are placed at the same value in the FCurves window, such as keys with Stepped interpolation. When the difference between the values for two key’s is greater than the specified threshold, the keys are kept. Any keys under the threshold are discarded. The default value is 5000e.012. This value is an exponent value.

Note: Changes made to the Constant Key Reducer Thresholds are effective immediately.

The Translation, Rotation, Scaling, and Other Curves fields let you specify a value for translation, rotation, scaling keys, and any other curves, respectively.