Layered Texture settings

The Layered Texture settings let you blend multiple textures, then adjust the result as if it were a single texture. The Layered Texture settings consist of two panes, the Texture Settings and the Layer Settings.

Layered Texture settings A.Tab for Texture Settings pane B. Layer Settings pane displayed C. Layer Editor

In the case of Layered textures, the Texture Settings pane lets you adjust the result of multiple textures blending as if it was a single texture. The settings in a Layered texture’s Texture Settings pane is the same for any type of texture. See Texture settings.

Note: A Layered texture treats multiple textures as if they were a single texture, but you can adjust each texture separately. For example, you can tile, translate, scale, and rotate one texture differently from another texture. However, the Layered texture’s mapping method, such as UV or Projection, overrides the mapping method of the textures attached to it. Used individually, each texture retains its original settings, even if they are also attached to a Layered texture.

The Layer Settings pane includes the Layer Editor (C), which lets you blend multiple textures.