Navigating the Audio waveform area

You can navigate the Waveform area by Ctrl-dragging left, right, up, and down to zoom in and out. You can also scroll the waveform by Shift-dragging up and down.

There are two areas where you can scrub through an audio file: on the audio waveform or in the Transport Controls:

To scrub through the waveform of an audio file:

  1. Activate Enable Shuttle in the Audio Settings.
    Note: If more than one audio file is used in the scene, only one of these files can have shuttling activated.
  2. J-drag in the Viewer window or audio waveform.

    The speed at which the track shuttles varies depending on the distance between where you click, and how far you drag.

    The further you drag to the right, the faster the track shuttles forward. The further you drag to the left, the faster the track shuttles backward.

    Tip: The audio file shuttles at the speed set in the Transport Controls. Disable shuttling if your disk access is slow.

To scrub through a track to hear the audio on a specific frame:

  1. Select Snap on Frames in the Transport Controls.
  2. Move the timeline indicator back and forth.

    You can also use the Previous frame and Next frame buttons to jog through the track frame by frame.