Logical functions (Boolean)

The following tables provide a list of expressions of logical functions.

AND Description
Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE.
Syntax and(number1, number2) Number1 and number2 should be logical values.
EQUAL Description
Returns TRUE if its arguments are EQUAL.
Syntax number1 = number2 (number, number) Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
GREATER Description
Returns TRUE if the first argument is greater than the second argument.
Syntax number1 >= number2 (number, number)Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
Returns TRUE if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.
Syntax number1 >= number2 (number, number)Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
IF Description
Specifies A logical test to perform)
Syntax if (test, value1, value2)Test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. Value1 is the value that is returned if test is TRUE.Value2 is the value that is returned if test is FALSE.
IS BETWEEN Description
Checks Checks if one value is between two others)
Syntax isbetween
LESS Description
Returns TRUE if the first argument is less than the second argument)
Syntax number1 < number2 (number, number) Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
LESS OR EQUAL Description
Returns TRUE if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.
Syntax number1 <= number2 (number, number)Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
NAND Description
Returns FALSE if all its arguments are TRUE.
Syntax nand(number1, number2)Number1 and number2 should be logical values.
NOR Description
Returns FALSE if any argument is TRUE.
Syntax nor(number1, number2)Number1 and number2 should be logical values.
NOT Description
Purpose Reverses the logic of its argument.
Syntax not(number) Number is a value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. If number is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE. If number is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE.
NOT EQUAL Description
Returns TRUE if its arguments are NOT EQUAL.
Syntax number1 <> number 2 (number 1, number 2)Number1 and number2 are the numbers that you want to test.
OR Description
Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE.
Syntax or(number1, number2)Number1 and number2 should be logical values.