IK Properties

These properties let you adjust the IK Control rig effectors and Auxiliary objects.

Properties window A. IK effector properties

IK (Effector/Auxiliary)

These properties are the same as the sliders that appear in the Character Controls window. They represent the Blend values for IK Control rig effectors, or for the Auxiliary objects associated with IK effectors. See Blend and Pull controls for more information on these Blend properties.

IK Pivot

The IK Pivot properties let you adjust the position of Auxiliary pivots that are created for IK Control rig effectors. You can define offsets for Auxiliary pivots using these value fields, or you can switch to Pivot Selection mode in the Viewer window and translate the Auxiliary pivots in order to offset them. See Auxiliary pivots for more information.

Show Reach

This option lets you show or hide the outline that displays on Control rig effectors when they have Blend values.