Texture Appearance settings

The Texture Appearance settings let you fine-tune the appearance of the selected texture. The Texture Appearance settings consist of Texture Type, Blend Mode, Transparency, and Use Mipmaps.

Texture Type

The Texture Type menu states the texture’s type, which determines its purpose in the scene.

Note: You cannot change the selection in the Texture Type menu. To create a texture of a different type, drag it from the Asset browser. See Choosing texture types.
Type Description
Color Lets you add media to a material or to a Layered texture. Corresponds to the Texture asset or Layered Texture asset in the Asset Browser. See Adding a texture to a material and Blending multiple textures.
Spherical Reflection Map Used when the Reflection shader is set to Spherical Map type in the shader settings. This type of texture is applied directly to a model. See Reflection effects.
Sphere Map Used when the Reflection shader is set to Sphere Map type in the shader settings. This type of texture is applied directly to a model. See Reflection effects.
Shadow Map Used when the Shadow Map shader is set to Shadow Map type in the shader settings. This type of texture is applied directly to a model. See Shadows and lighting effects.
Light Map Used when the Shadow Map shader is set to Light Map type in the shader settings. This type of texture is applied directly to a model. See Shadows and lighting effects.

Blend Mode

The Blend Mode menu lets you control how the texture is blended with multiple textures in a Layered texture. To control the blending of many textures, control each texture’s Blend mode from the Layer Editor. See Blending multiple textures and Blend Mode.


The Transparency field lets you adjust a texture’s level of transparency when it is attached to a Layered texture. To control the transparency of many textures, control each texture’s transparency from the Layer Editor. See Blending multiple textures and Transparency.

Use MipMaps

Activate Use MipMaps to create a proxy of an existing image. Using MipMaps with large image files provides better image Anti-aliasing and gives optimal resolution. See Mipmapping.