Tutorial A1: Animate the Results

  1. You can animate the punching of the sheet which follows the shape of the punch and die.
  2. Right-click Results and select Multiset Animation Settings. Change the End Set to the last step. Select SOLID VON MISES STRESS and change the Delay to 100 in Animation Options. Make sure the Deform Options and Contour Options are selected and the Deformation Scale is set to Actual.
  3. Click on the Animate button. This will load the animation.
  4. Click on Hide All button in Visibility Options section.
  5. It may be necessary to zoom into a more localized view to see the bodies contact.
  6. To save the animation as an AVI file, click on the Create AVI button. Name the file PunchDieAnimation and click Save.
  7. Click OK to exit the Animation Settings.

This concludes Metal Forming Simulation Using Nonlinear Material and Contact.

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