Batch Assign Long Description Styles Dialog Box

Applies a long description formula to many specifications in a batch process.

List of Options

Note: LDS files must be saved to LDStyles in the shared content folder to be visible in the first two drop-down lists in this dialog. The default location is C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 Content\LDStyles.
Long Description (Family) style

Lists the long description family styles available to be batch assigned to other specs.

Long Description (Size) style

Lists the long description size styles available to be batch assigned to other specs.

Edit long description styles

Opens the Edit Long Description Style dialog box where you can specify the long description formula.

Apply long description styles to these pipe specifications

Displays a table to which you can add a row for each specification. Use the Add button to select the specs to which you want the long description applied.


Opens the Windows Open dialog box. Navigate to the spec or specs you want and click OK.


Removes the selected spec from the table.