Sets preferences for the Spec Editor workspace layout.
The following options are available in this dialog box.
Groups items in the spec sheet by part category (for example: Fittings), part name, or both.
Sets the word or character to use in a size range.
Displays units in the spec sheet in imperial units, metric units, or unconverted (native).
Sets the style for the Long Description (Family) property of the current spec sheet.
Lists long description styles that were saved to the default location: C:\AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 Content\\LDStyles.
Sets the style for the Long Description (Size) property of the current spec sheet.
Opens the Edit Long Description Style dialog box where you can specify the description formula.
When selected, prompts you to save any files that have been modified when switching to a different workspace.
When selected, details such as the spec description, file name, and file date are added to the top of each page. When clear, file details appear only on the first page.
When selected, the column name appears at the top of every page.