Project Manager

Assembles and manages drawings belonging to a project.

 Ribbon: Home tabProject panel Project Manager
 Command entry:  projectmanager

Project Controls

Provides a way to open projects and run project reports.

Project Name

Displays the name of the current project. By default, the last project you opened is displayed.

The first time you open the Project Manager, a default project is displayed. The Project Name list also displays the following options:

  • Previously Opened Projects. Displays a list of the most recently opened projects.
  • Open. Displays the Open dialog box, where you can find and select an existing project.xml file.
  • New Project. Displays the Project Setup Wizard.
  • Sample Project. Displays the sample project provided with the product.
Publish button

Displays the Publish dialog box.

Reports button

Displays a list of reports that you can run, including custom reports.

  • Data Manager. Displays the Data Manager.
  • Export Data. Displays the Export Report Data dialog box.
  • Import Data. Opens the Import From dialog box.
  • Reports. Opens the Data Manager in Project Reports mode.

Project Panel

Sets the overall organization for the drawings in the project.

You can add, remove, and reorder drawings and folders. You can also select drawings or folders to include their data in reports.

Project Panel Toolbar

Provides buttons that open, add, and refresh the status of drawings.

  • Hide/Show search box. Hides or displays the search box, where you can search the project for specific filenames.
  •   New Drawing. Displays the New DWG dialog box, where you can create a new drawing based on the default template and add it to the project tree.
  •   Copy Drawing to Project. Opens the Select Drawings to Copy to Project dialog box, where you can select one or more files to copy to the project.
  •   Refresh DWG Status. Verifies whether any of the drawings or files in the project are being edited by another user.
  • Note: Refresh can also synchronize the drawing with the project. Automatic synchronization is set with synchstylesmode.
Project Tree Nodes

Each node in the project tree is designated by a specific icon.

  •   Project Node. Represents the top-level organizational unit in the project tree hierarchy.
    Note: The icon next to the Project Node indicates which type of project it is. For example, a collaboration project has the BIM 360 icon next to it.
  •   P&ID Drawings Node. Represents a default grouping for P&ID drawings that cannot be removed. You can add nested folders within this folder.
  •   Plant 3D Drawings Node. Represents a default grouping for Plant 3D drawings that cannot be removed. You can add nested folders within this folder.
  •   Related Files Node. Represents a default grouping for Related Files that cannot be removed. Also represents folders that you can create under any default grouping.
  •   Drawing Node. Represents a drawing in the project.
    Note: In a collaboration project, there is a circle next to each drawing node that represents whether you have a drawing checked out or not. The circle only displays if the file has been locally cached which happens when it is opened.
    • Not Checked Out
    • Checked Out
  •   Locked Drawing Node. Represents a drawing that is currently being edited.
  •   Missing Drawing Node. Represents a drawing that has been moved or removed.
  •   Referenced Drawing (Xref) Node. Represents a drawing that is referenced by the project.

Details Panel

Provides information about the project or about drawings selected in the Project Manager tree area.

To change the display, click the corresponding button on the Details panel toolbar.


Displays information about the selected node.

  • Project details. Displays project information, including project location, name, description, unit type, and number.
  • Drawing details. Displays the drawing status, description, file name, location, file size, and the save and edit dates.
When a drawing node is selected, displays a small preview of the drawing.
Note: In collaboration projects, you are able to see a preview of the drawing before opening the drawing.
Work History (Source Files tab only)  

When a drawing is selected, displays all work history entries for the drawing.

Times and dates use the current Windows system settings.

  • Date Modified. Displays the date and time of the edits associated with the most recent work history entry.
  • User. Displays the login name of the person who opened the drawing for editing.
  • Status. Displays the status of the drawing. Status categories differ, depending on the standards used by your business. They may include the following:
    • Unassigned. No status is assigned.
    • In Progress. Project is open for editing.
    • For Review. Project is ready for review.
    • Revision 1-4. Draft number of the project.
    • Final. Project is final.
    • Archive. Project is ready to be archived.
    • Manage. Displays the Project Status Manager, where you can customize the status options.
  • Notes. Displays descriptions entered by the individual updating the work history. Only the originator of the work history record can update existing notes.

Shortcut Menus: Project Tree Nodes on All Tabs

The following options, listed in alphabetical order, are displayed when you right-click a node on the project tree. The options available depend on the type of node you select.

Menu Option Tab Node Description
Add Work History
  • Source Files
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
Displays the Work History dialog box, where you can update status and add notations.
Audit Project
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
Checks the project for errors.
Check In
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Orthographic Drawings
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Isometric Drawings
  • Named Isometric drawing
Checks in the checked out asset.
Check Out
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Orthographic Drawings
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Isometric Drawings
  • Named Isometric drawing
Checks out the selected asset(s).
Cleanup Cached Files
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Orthographic Drawings
  • Isometric Drawings
Removes locally cached drawing files.
Close Project
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
Closes the current project.
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
Added folder Collapses the contents of the folder and places a plus sign in front of the folder name.
Copy Drawing to Project
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Orthographic Drawings
Displays the Select Drawings to Copy to Project dialog box.
Copy File to Project
  • Source Files
  • Related Files
Displays the Select Files to Copy to Project dialog box. Files are copied to the project folder. AutoCAD drawings can be selected but cannot contain plant objects.
Create Adjacent View
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Orthographic View
Creates a new view adjacent to the current one, for example, top or bottom.
Data Manager
  • Source Files
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
Displays the Data Manager.
Delete View
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic view
Deletes the orthographic view.
Drawing Autogen Properties
  • Source Files
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
Displays the Drawing Autogen Properties dialog box, where you can set automatically generated properties for drawings.
Edit View
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic view
Displays the OrthoCube in the Orthographic View Selection window. You can edit the ortho view configuration, choose models to include, change the scale, and so on.
Export Data
  • Source Files
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
Displays the Export Report Data dialog box.
Export to PCF
  • Isometric DWG
  • Line number node
Displays the Save PCF As dialog box.
Filter For
  • Isometric DWG
  • Check, Final, Stress
  • Isometric Drawings
Displays a box where you can enter filtering criteria to view only desired line numbers.
Import Data
  • Source Files
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
Displays the Import From dialog box.
Link to File
  • Source Files
  • Related Files
Displays the Select Files to Link to Project dialog box. Files are not copied to the project folder.
Locate Drawing
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Named Orthographic drawing
Locates a drawing you have renamed or moved. You can use this option to find a drawing that is displayed in the Project Manager with a missing-file icon.
Lock Line and Issue
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named file
Lock lines to indicate that they have been sent for fabrication and should no longer be changed.
New Drawing
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Orthographic Drawings
Displays the New DWG dialog box.
New Folder
  • Source Files
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Related Files
Displays the Project Folder Properties dialog box, where you can create a new folder.
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named drawing
  • Related Files
Displays the selected drawing.
Open Read-only
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Named Isometric drawing
Displays the selected drawing with a read-only status. You cannot save changes to drawings opened as “read-only.”
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Orthographic Drawings
Displays the Collaboration Options dialog box.
Production ISO
  • Isometric DWG
  • Check, Final, Stress
  • Line number
Displays the Create Production Iso dialog box, where you can create a new isometric drawing.
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • User-created folder (except Isometric)
  • Project
  • Drawing (except Isometric)
Sets information about the selected node. If a project is selected, the dialog box is displayed. If a folder is selected, the Project Folder Properties dialog box is displayed. If a drawing is selected, the Drawing Properties dialog box is displayed.
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • Drawing
Specifies drawing sheets that you can assemble, reorder, rename, copy, and save for publishing as a multi-sheet drawing set.
Quick ISO
  • Isometric DWG
  • Check, Final, Stress
  • Line number
Displays the Create Quick Iso dialog box, where you can create a new isometric drawing.
Refresh from Project
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Orthographic Drawings
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Isometric Drawings
  • Named Isometric drawing
Updates your local project files and settings from the cloud collaboration project.
Refresh Xref List
  • Source Files
  • Drawing
Refreshes and updates the list of xrefs for a drawing.
Remove Drawing
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Named Isometric drawing
Deletes the selected drawing from the project. This action does not remove the drawing from your computer.
Remove File
  • Source Files
  • Named file
Deletes the selected file from the project. This action does not remove the file from your computer.
Remove Folder
  • Source Files
  • Any empty folder that has been added to the project
Deletes the selected folder from the tree. This option is available only for folders that do not have nested folders or drawings.
Rename Drawing
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Named Orthographic drawing
  • Named Isometric drawing
Renames project drawings. Not available for nested xrefs and read-only files.
Resave All Project Drawings
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
Saves edits made to all open project drawings or all drawings that have been modified during the current session.
Show Xrefs in Use
  • Source Files
  • Drawing
Checks unopened drawings for xrefs and lists the xrefs in the Project Manager.
Undo Check Out
  • Source Files
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Isometric DWG
  • Project
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
  • Orthographic Drawings
Undoes the check out of the selected asset(s) without including any changes.
Unlock Line
  • Isometric DWG
  • Named file
Unlocks lines that have previously been locked.
Update Annotation
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic drawing
Updates annotations in the ortho drawing to reflect changes in the referenced model.
Update View
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic view
Updates a view in the ortho drawing to reflect changes in the referenced model.
Update Views
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic drawing
Updates all views in an ortho drawing to reflect changes in the referenced model. This operation can take time, depending on the complexity of the model and the number of views.
  • Source Files
  • P&ID Drawings
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Plant 3D Drawings
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
Runs the validation program for one or more P&ID drawings and displays a list of errors in the Validation Summary window.
Validate Project
  • Source Files
  • Project
Runs the validation program for the entire project and displays a list of errors in the Validation Summary window.
Validate View
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic view
Validates a view in the ortho drawing against the referenced model to see if changes have been made. If so, the view or drawing can be updated.
Validate Views
  • Orthographic DWG
  • Named Orthographic drawing
Validates all views in the ortho drawing against the referenced model to see if changes have been made. If so, the drawing can be updated.
Validation Settings
  • Source Files
  • Project
Displays the P&ID Validation Settings dialog box, where you can control the type of validation errors that are flagged.
Validation Summary
  • Source Files
  • Project
Displays the Validation Summary window, where you can view a summary of flagged errors.
Xref into current drawing
  • Source Files
  • Named P&ID drawing
  • Named Plant 3D drawing
Xrefs the selected drawing in the current drawing