The following values are specified for a solid section (geometrical and weighted):
- Area (Ax).
- Center of gravity - position in the global coordinate system.
- Main angles - the angle of inclination of the first main axis in relation to the positive direction of the axis Y of the principal coordinate system.
- Moments of inertia and deviation set in the central, global, and arbitrary systems.
- Moment of inertia for torsion (only geometrical).
- Distance of the furthest section fibers from the main, central axes.
- Reduced section field for shear, used during calculations of the maximal tangent stresses in a beam (shear areas Ay, Az).
- Shear rigidity factors (Wy, Wz).
- Elastic section moduli (Wely, Welz).
- Plastic section moduli (Wply, Wplz).