Manual Verification - EIA

The Manual Verification dialog is used to verify a steel member for user-defined force values based on the requirements of the American Steel Code EIA (Design of Steel Transmission Towers). The dialog is accessed by clicking Design Steel Members Design - Options Verification. The following dialog displays:

Member verification is accomplished by assigning the force values appropriate for calculations. The dialog is divided into two main parts:

Click the Robot button to select force values from a list of load cases defined for a structure. Appropriate force values will be automatically entered in the corresponding fields of the Manual Verification dialog.

To carry out the verification of a member subjected to operation of internal forces, you should:

  1. In the member number field: select the member which is to be verified.
  2. In the Internal Forces in the Analyzed Section field: enter the values of appropriate internal forces (the units used are displayed in the right, upper corner of the dialog).
  3. In the Bending Moments at Member Ends field: enter the values of appropriate bending moments (the units used are displayed in the upper, right corner of the dialog) needed for member code calculations.
  4. In the Cm Coefficient field: determine the Cm coefficient value; select one of the icons and select the parameter value in the additional dialog.
  5. Select calculation options after clicking Options.
  6. Click Calculations.

After the Calculations option is selected, member verification will be performed. When it is completed, a dialog showing the results displays.