Properties for Plants, Trees, and Shrubs

To see or change properties or plants, trees, and shrubs, select the item and see the Properties palette.

Property Description
Cast Reflections Whether the rendered image shows a reversed, mirror reflection of the plant on other surfaces, such as glass. When this option is cleared, the rendered image shows a repeat image in the reflecting surface instead of a reversed, mirror image. See Cast Reflections.
Lock View Whether to use a single image for the plant, regardless of the direction from which it is viewed in a walkthrough. To lock the view, select this option, and then specify the view to use.

When this option is turned off, as the camera moves around the plant in a walkthrough, the plant image changes based on the position of the camera. If you use RPC Stills content in a walkthrough, the plant seems to jump as the camera moves and the image is updated.

This property applies to RPC content in rendered walkthroughs only. See Walkthrough Overview.