Create a TXT file to Export User Defined Properties to IFC

In order to include user defined property set when exporting to IFC, you must create a TXT file. The file structures the data in a meaningful way in the IFC export.

  1. Download the Sample Template for user defined parameter sets.
  2. With a text editor Start a new line and create custom property set. (i.e #PropertySet:)
  3. Press 'Tab' and provide a name for the property set. (i.e ColumnPSet)
  4. Press 'Tab' define the level, instance [I] or type [T]. In 2024.1 and beyond this is not required, use [I].
  5. Press 'Tab' and define the IFC classes to include these properties. Each class included is separated with a comma. In our example (i.e. IfcColumn, IfcColumnType)
    This gives you a parameter set definition that looks like the example shown.
    #PropertySet:	ColumnPSet	I	IfcColumn, IfcColumnType
  6. Add another line to the text file.
    • On the line create 3 columns, separated by tabs, as follows:
    • Property name in the exported IFC file. (i.e. CommentsProp)
    • Data type. Supported types are listed in the sample template. (i.e. Text)
    • Property name as it appears in Revit. (i.e. Comments)
  7. Repeat step 6 for as many properties to be included in the IFC export.
    The complete definition for user defined properties will look like this:
    #PropertySet:	ColumnPSet	I	IfcColumn, IfcColumnType
    #	CommentsProp		Text	Comments
    #	TypeCommentsProp	Text	Type Comments
    The example above results in column elements from Revit exported to IFC appearing with properties as shown.