Dimension Type Properties

Change type properties for permanent dimensions to modify their appearance and adhere to organizational or industry standards.

Modify Tab Properties panel (Type Properties).
Name Description
Dimension String Type Specifies the formatting method for a string of dimensions. This parameter is available for linear dimension styles.
Note: Arc length dimensions are linear dimensions and have parameters (Dimension String Type and Ordinate Dimension Settings) for creating baseline and ordinate dimensions, but these parameters have no effect on arc length dimensions.

Options include:

  • Continuous. Places multiple dimensions end to end.
  • Baseline. Places stacked dimensions measured from the same baseline.
  • Ordinate. Places a dimension string with values measured from the dimension origin.
Leader Type Specifies the type of line to draw for the leader.

Options include:

  • Line. Draws a two-part straight line leader from the dimension text to the dimension line.

    The first part of the leader begins either at the text box or under the text (determined by the Text Location property) and extends to a junction point in the line called the shoulder.

    The length of the first part of the leader is determined by the Shoulder Length property.

    The second part of the leader begins at the shoulder and extends to the dimension line.

  • Arc. Draws an arc line leader from the dimension text to the dimension line.
Shoulder Length Specifies the length of the leader part that extends from the end of the text box to the shoulder (only available for Line Leader Type).
Leader Tick Mark Specifies the mark that is applied to the tip of the leader, at the dimension line.
Show Leader When Text Moves Specifies how the leader displays when the text is moved away from its origin.

Options include:

  • Away From Origin. The leader displays when the dimension text is moved away from its origin. When the text is moved back to its origin, it will snap into place and the leader is hidden.
  • Beyond Witness Lines. The leader displays when the dimension text is moved beyond the witness line.
Tick Mark The name of the tick mark style used for dimension witness lines.
Line Weight Sets the line weight number that designates thickness of the dimension line and dimension leader. You can select from a list of values defined in Revit or define your own. You can change the definition of the line weights by clicking Manage tabSettings panelAdditional Settings drop-down (Line Weights). See Line Weights.
Tick Mark Line Weight Sets the line weight that designates thickness of the tick mark. You can select from a list of values defined in Revit or define your own.
Dimension Line Extension Extends the dimension line beyond the intersection of the witness lines to the specified value. When you set this value, this is the size at which the dimension line plots, if you are printing at 100 percent.
Flipped Dimension Line Extension Controls the extent of the dimension line beyond the flipped arrow if the arrow flips on the ends of the dimension string. This parameter is only enabled when the tick mark type parameter is set to an arrow type. See Change the dimension tick mark.
Witness Line Control Switches between the fixed gap functionality and the fixed dimension line functionality.
Witness Line Length If Witness Line Control is set to Fixed to Dimension Line, this parameter becomes available. Specifies the length of all witness lines in the dimensions. When you set this value, this is the size at which the witness line plots, if you are printing at 100 percent.
Witness Line Gap to Element If Witness Line Control is set to Gap to Element, this parameter sets the distance between the witness line and element being dimensioned.
Witness Line Extension Sets the extension of a witness line beyond the tick mark. When you set this value, this is the size at which the witness line plots, if you are printing at 100 percent.
Witness Line Tick Mark Designates the tick mark display at the end of a witness line.
Centerline Symbol You can select any of the annotations symbols loaded in the project. The centerline symbol appears above the witness lines that reference the centerlines of family instances and walls. If the witness line does not reference a center plane, you cannot place a centerline symbol above it.
Centerline Pattern Changes the line pattern of the witness lines of the dimension, if the dimension references are the centerlines of family instances and walls. If the references are not at the centerline, this parameter does not affect the witness line pattern.
Centerline Tick Mark Changes the tick mark at the ends of the centerline of a dimension.
Interior Tick Mark Designates the tick mark display for inner witness lines when adjacent segments of a dimension line are too small for arrows to fit. When this occurs, the ends of the short-segment string flip, and the inner witness lines display the designated interior tick mark. This parameter is only enabled when the tick mark type parameter is set to an arrow type.

See Change the dimension tick mark.

Ordinate Dimension Settings Specify settings for ordinate dimensions. This parameter is available when the Dimension String Type parameter is set to Ordinate.

For more information, see Create an ordinate linear dimension style

Color Sets the color of dimension lines and leaders. You can select from a list of colors defined in Revit or define your own. The default value is black.
Dimension Line Snap Distance Controls the snap distance that aids in stacking linear dimensions at even intervals. This value should be greater than the distance between the text and the dimension line, plus the height of the text.
Width Factor Specifies a ratio to define the elongation of the text string. A value of 1.0 has no elongation.
Underline Underlines the permanent dimension value and text.
Italic Applies italic formatting to the permanent dimension value and text.
Bold Applies bold formatting to the permanent dimension value and text.
Text Size Specifies the size of the typeface for the dimension.
Text Offset Specifies the offset of the text from the dimension line.
Read Convention Specifies the start position and direction of the dimension text.
Text Font Sets the Microsoft® True Type fonts for the dimensions.
Text Background If you set the value to opaque, the dimension text is surrounded by a box that overlaps any geometry or text behind it in the view. If you set the value to transparent, the box disappears and everything not overlapped by the dimension text is visible.
Primary Units
Units Format

Click the button to open the Format dialog. You can then set the format of the units with the dimension. See Setting Project Units.

Dimension Prefix

Value placed before the dimension value.

Dimension Suffix

Value placed after the dimension value.

Alternate Units
Alternate Units Specifies whether to display alternate units in addition to the primary units of the dimension, and the position of the alternate units. Options include:
  • None. Alternate units will not display.
  • Right. Alternate units display in-line to the right of the primary units.
  • Below. Alternate units display below primary units.

See Define alternate dimension units.

Alternate Units Format Click the button to open the Format dialog. You can then set the format of the alternate units for the dimension type. See Setting Project Units.
Alternate Units Prefix Specifies a prefix to display with the alternate unit. For example, you could display square brackets around the alternate unit by entering [ as the Prefix and ] as the Suffix (see Alternate Units Suffix below).
Alternate Units Suffix Specifies a suffix to display with the alternate unit.
Show Opening Height Place a dimension whose witness lines reference the same insert (window or door) in a plan view. If you select this parameter, the dimension includes a label that shows the height of the opening for the instance. The value appears below the dimension value you initially placed.
Text Location Specifies where dimension text is placed in relation to the leader (only available for Line Leader Type).

Options include:

  • Inline. Places the text and leader on the same line.
  • Above. Places the text above the leader line.
Center Marks Shows or hides the radial/diameter dimension center mark.
Center Mark Size Sets the size of the radial/diameter dimension center mark. This property is enabled when Center Marks is selected.
Diameter Symbol Location Specifies the location for the prefix text for diameter dimensions.
Radius Symbol Location Specifies the location for the prefix text for radial dimensions.
Diameter Symbol Text Specifies the prefix text for diameter dimension values (default is Ø).
Radius Symbol Text Specifies the prefix text for radius dimension values (default is R).
Equality Text Specifies the text string to be used for all EQ text when an equality constraint is added to the dimension string. The default value is EQ. Changing this value changes the equality text for all dimensions of this type.
Equality Formula Specifies the dimension equality formula used to display equality dimension labels. Click the button to display the Dimension Equality Formula dialog. (Available for aligned, linear, and arc dimension types.) See Defining an Equality Formula.
Equality Witness Display Specifies the display of interior witness lines in equality dimensions (only available for aligned, linear, and arc length dimensions).

Options for Interior Witness Lines include:

  • Tick and Line. Displays the interior witness line according to the type properties specified.
  • Tick Only. Interior witness lines do not display, but the Witness Line Extension type value is used above and below the dimension line.
  • Hide. Interior witness lines and tick marks for interior segments do not display.