Automobile Properties

To see or change automobile properties, select an automobile and see the Properties palette.

Property Description
Cast Reflections Whether the rendered image shows a reversed, mirror reflection of the vehicle on other surfaces, such as glass. When this option is cleared, the rendered image shows a repeat image in the reflecting surface instead of a reversed, mirror image. See About the Cast Reflections Property.
Transparency How much light passes through the windows of the vehicle. Use the slider to specify less transparency (left) or more transparency (right).
Tinting How much black is mixed in with the vehicle windows to tint them, thus reducing the visibility of interior details. Use the slider to indicate less tinting (left) or more tinting (right).
Use Tinting Whether the vehicle windows are tinted.
License Plate Whether the vehicle displays a license plate.
Custom Plate Whether the license plate uses a custom image.
License Plate File Name The path and file name of the image to use for the custom license plate. Click (Browse) to navigate to the file. See Rendering Options.