Office Clutter Properties

To see or change office clutter properties, select the item and see the Properties palette.

Property Description
Cast Reflections Whether the rendered image shows a reversed, mirror reflection of the object on other surfaces, such as glass. When this option is cleared, the rendered image shows a repeat image in the reflecting surface instead of a reversed, mirror image. See About the Cast Reflections Property.
Notebook Computer: The following properties display for notebook computers.
Open How much to open the computer. Use the slider to close it or control its angle when open.
Power Whether the notebook computer is turned on and can display an image.
Custom Screen Whether the computer screen displays a specified image when the computer is open and turned on.
Screen File Name Custom image to display on the computer screen. Click (Browse) to navigate to the file. This image displays only when Power and Custom Screen are selected. See Rendering Options.
Picture Frame: The following properties display for picture frames.
Portrait Whether the frame is oriented in portrait mode (vertically). Clear this option to orient the frame in landscape mode (horizontally).
Stand Whether the frame leans on a stand. Clear this option if the frame hangs on a wall.
Frame Material Material for the frame. Select a value from the list.
Use Custom Picture Whether an image displays in the picture frame when it is rendered.
Picture File Name Custom image to display in the picture frame when it is rendered. Click (Browse) to navigate to the file. See Rendering Options.