About SteeringWheels

SteeringWheels are tracking menus that follow your cursor, providing tools for navigating views in a single interface.

Wheels are available in two configurations: big and mini. The big wheels are larger tracking menus with a tool label on each wedge. Mini wheels are smaller, with labels displayed under the wheel wedges. The 2D Navigation wheel is only available in a big version.

Each wheel is divided into different wedges. Each wedge contains a navigation tool used to reorient the current view of a model.

Note: Only the Full Navigation big and mini SteeringWheels are identical. The big and mini Tour Building and big and mini View Object SteeringWheels do not provide identical tools in the big and mini versions.
2D Steering Wheel
Full Navigation Wheel Basic View Object Wheel Basic Tour Building Wheel
Mini Full Navigation Wheel Mini View Object Wheel Mini Tour Building Wheel