Use rendering tools to set and adjust artificial lighting in your model.
This video demonstrates the following:
You can use the rendering tools to determine and illustrate the effects of artificial lighting in a 3D view of a building model.
On the View tab, click Render to open the Rendering dialog. The Artificial only scheme in the lighting section defines baseline exposure settings for an interior rendering without daylight. You can also adjust these settings after the rendering is complete.
Click Artificial Lights to control which lights are switched on and off. Lights can also be grouped so that multiple lights can be controlled at the same time. Lights can be grouped in any arrangement that is appropriate for the project. In this example, groups are created for the types of lights used in the project. After you group the lights, you can switch the entire group on or off.
Generating renderings with artificial lighting can be time consuming. To change the output size of the rendering, select the desired output, then select the crop region in the view, and use the Size Crop tool to adjust the size. The smaller the image, the quicker it will render.
For a presentation quality image, change the quality setting to High, and click Render. Adjust the exposure settings after the image is rendered, according to your presentation requirements. You can save the rendered image or modify the settings and re-render the view.