About Rebar Shapes

Rebar shapes consist of stirrups, ties, and straight bars that may be assigned fillets and hooks. You can manipulate each shape to facilitate the reinforcement needs in your model.

The flexible geometry of rebar is controlled by several handles:

A plane defines each handle which can be constrained along the direction perpendicular to the plane. Planes used for rebar position and set length planes are evident in the images above. Planes defining rebar shape handles are seen in the following image.

Segments snap and attach to the host cover when moved.

Edit Rebar Segment Lengths In-Canvas

Rebar Shape Snapping Behaviors

Due to the nature of cover references and how rebar is placed, rebar does not snap to its relative Revit environment, such as sanp points and snap lines. Resizing and other modifications to rebar will react only to the cover reference of the host in which it is placed.

Cross section of concrete host showing cover reference Default placement of rebar in the cover reference Snap position to cover reference using Rebar Shape Controls

To edit rebar in relation to its Revit environment, overriding the cover reference snapping behaviors, you can select individual elements of the rebar for adjustment.

Place the cursor over the element of the rebar and press TAB. You can now edit the element with typical snapping behavior.

Snap position to joined element edge using rebar line segment selection

Snapping Tolerances

To snap a rebar handle to cover or to a stirrup rebar handle, the handle must initially lie a small distance (a tolerance) from the reference cover or handle plane.

For rebar cover constraints, the tolerance is equal to 1/2 * bar diameter.

For constraints to other rebar (stirrup), the tolerance is equal to 1/2 * (bar diameter + stirrup bar diameter).