Structural Precast for Revit Configuration Dialog

Configure Structural Precast for Revit, wall and slab parts and assemblies, reinforcement details, and project drawings in your Revit project.

You launch the Configuration dialog by clicking Precast tab Configuration panel (Configuration).

The Configuration dialog is organized in a tree view, each node containing options for precast concrete assemblies.
Note: The first time the Configuration tool is used in a project, you will be prompted by a dialog that certain precast families need to be loaded. Click OK to continue.

Wall Configuration

The wall node configures settings for solid structural walls. These settings include part information, segmentation rules, reinforcement definition, and project drawing defaults.

Slab Configuration

The slab node configures settings for solid and hollow core structural floors and slabs. These settings include part information, segmentation rules, reinforcement definition, and project drawing defaults.

Built in Parts Configuration

The Built in parts node configures settings for annotation and dimensioning in parts.

CAM Export Configuration

The CAM Export node configures additional data specific to each CAM file type.