Entitlement to Cloud Service Not Found

You cannot use the option "Collaborate using the cloud" because you have not purchased the Collaboration for Autodesk Revit.

Issue: When initiating a collaboration between Revit and BIM 360 Document Management, a message is displayed alerting you "You cannot use the option "Collaborate using the cloud" because you have not purchased the Collaboration for Autodesk Revit"

Cause: Revit is missing a required security update to communicate with cloud servers.


If BIM Collaborate Pro license is purchased/available:

If the error occurs when a valid BIM Collaborate Pro license has been assigned to the your Autodesk Account, try the following solution:
  1. Un-assign the seat.
  2. Re-assign the seat.
  3. Allow up to two hours and try to use the service again.

If a BIM Collaborate Pro license not available you can also use these workflows as an alternative to BIM Collaborate Pro:

Alternate workflows that could be used as an alternative to BIM Collaborate Pro:
  • Cloud Models for Revit: This option is included with the Revit subscription. This allows the upload of non-workshared Revit files to the cloud service. These models could be opened and linked the same as with the BIM Collaborate Pro workflow, but only one user would be able to open the cloud model at a time.
  • Desktop Connector: Using the Desktop Connector, a team could work with a local workshared model and periodically update a cloud-based copy of the project through the Desktop Connector (or by uploading through the cloud sites browser interface). This would require all users accessing the host models linking to Desktop Connector linked files to have the Desktop Connector installed.