Video: Use Coordination Models

Insert coordination models from Autodesk® Navisworks® into Revit LT to coordinate your design with teams who use different software.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Understand coordination models and how they are used.
  2. Insert a coordination model from Autodesk® Navisworks® into Revit LT.
  3. Pin the coordination model in place and adjust display and graphics options.
  4. Load the updated model on a regular basis.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2018. When performing the procedures using Revit LT, you may notice minor differences in functionality and user interface.


You can insert a coordination model from Autodesk® Navisworks® into Revit LT to coordinate your design with the work of teams who use different software. Coordination models are lightweight files that provide context for your Revit LT model, and allow you to crosscheck various disciplines with your design.

To insert a coordination model, on the Insert tab, click Coordination Model. Click Add and select an .nwd or .nwc file. Click Open and click OK to insert the coordination model into your Revit LT model. The coordination model displays in the current view, surrounded by a bounding box. In Revit LT, a coordination model is a single model element, so it will display in all views, not just the current view.

Pin the coordination model in place, so it's not accidentally repositioned while you work. To control the display of coordination models, use the visibility and graphics dialog. In this example, the color changes to highlight the coordinated element, making it easier to see.

You can also create multiple instances of a coordination model. In the Coordination Model dialog, click the Place Instance button and click OK. When using a coordination model as a reference, you can manage the link as needed by reloading, unloading or removing it from the Revit LT model.

By loading the updated coordination model on a regular basis, such as weekly, you minimize the risk of clashes. This practice can expedite the design process and reduce the need to make changes, saving time and money for the entire design team.