Swap the current view on a sheet directly from the view list.
Use sheet layout tools to help you reorganize views on sheets after you have placed views.
When importing/linking files using US survey feet, the units are now automatically detected.
Elements with very large coordinates are listed in the journal file.
Community idea: A search functionality was added to the Paste dialogs.
The hardware setup check directly confirms if the hardware meets Revit system requirements for hardware acceleration.
Community idea: When a room, area or space tag is moved outside the boundary, the Tag leader is automatically enabled.
Community idea: When you place a view reference, the detail number and sheet number are appended to the end of its Target View parameter.
Community idea: Labels in floor tags that report top and bottom core elevations now work with architectural floor elements.
Select All Instances can now be used on more elements/categories than in previous releases.
Community idea: The Revisions on Sheet Edit button remains available when selecting multiple sheets.
Share portions of your model with collaborators so they can complete their work without needing access to your entire model.
Control the order of views and sheets in PDF exports and print sets.
Community idea: You can now use the Measure tool in 3D views. Measure between two selected points, or selected points along a chain.
A number of changes have been in different areas to increase performance.
Multiple improvements have been made to support linking/importing CAD files.
The Schedule tool now supports the ability to filter by sheet.
Community idea: You can tag multiple elements with the same tag. Use the Add/ Remove Host option during tag placement or for adding additional hosts (leaders) to existing tags.
A new control has been added to increase navigation performance in views.
When you place an element from a workplane-based family, the last used option is saved as the default placement option.
Community idea: Tag all displaced elements in 3D views.
When you select elements from nested and shared families, temporary dimensions automatically display.
Community idea: Displace elements in 2D views.
Contour labels "keep readable" from any direction.
The list of taggable categories has been expanded to help you more fully document your designs.
Project Browser icons indicate if a view is on a sheet.
The parameters Family, Type, and Family and Type have been enabled for use in conditional formatting of schedules.
Four existing categories have been enabled to be cut in views.
When key schedules are used to assign parameter values to rooms and areas, the values are retained when a key is removed.
Community idea: A new ribbon button and a keyboard shortcut were added so you can quickly set the work plane of a view using the Pick a Plane option.
IFC parameters that control export mapping of elements are included for elements and types by default. Use the Export Mapping dialog to change IFC entities and predefined types used for export.
When selecting a view reference, you can search the list for a specific view.
Community idea: When duplicating a material, you can choose to duplicate the assets or use shared assets.
Community idea: Families assigned the to the "Casework" category are able to have their geometry joined.
Material textures and decals can now use images stored on servers.
Model groups and RVT links include Type and Instance Identity Data parameters.