Scenario Methods | Description | data return |
run() | starts analysis and wait until it finishes | no |
clone(newScenarioName) | returns a copy of this scenario | scenario |
activate() | Sets this as the active scenario | no |
design() | Returns parent design | design |
start() | starts analysis | no |
wait() | waits for a running analysis to finish | no |
wait(msec) | waits up to msec for the running analysis to finish; msec = number | no |
applyBoundaryCondition(bc) | applies boundary condition to the selected model entities; (bc=boundary condition object) | no |
applyMeshSize(size) | Applies mesh size to selected model entities; size = number | no |
applyMaterial(name) | Assigns material with <name> (of existing material) to the selected model entities; name = string | no |
applyMaterial(m) | assigns material to the selected model entities; m = material object | no |
importSettingsFrom(a) | copies settings from analysis a to this analysis | no |
selectAll() | Selects all model entities based on selection mode | no |
deselectAll() | Deselects all entities | no |
selectPrevious() | Selects previous list of model entities | no |
select(id) | Selects or deselects entity with id; id = number | |
deselect(id) | Selects or deselects entity with id; id = number | no |
select(name) | Selects or deselects entity based on name; depending on selection mode, name may refer to an entity, material, or group object | |
deselect(name) | Selects or deselects entity based on name; depending on selection mode, name may refer to an entity, material, or group object | no |
createGroup(name) | creates a new group of name, and returns to caller; name = string | yes |
deleteGroup(name) | deletes the group with name; name = string | no |
group(name) | returns the group with name; name = string | yes |
entity(type,id) | returns the model entity of type and id; type = string; id = number | yes |
material(name) | Returns the material with name; name = string | yes |
setGravityVector(x,y,z) | sets gravity vector; x, y, z = number (direction components) | no |
setResultsSaveInterval(val,units) | Sets results and summary save frequency; val = number; units = “Steps” or “Seconds” | |
setSummarySaveInterval(val,units) | Sets results and summary save frequency; val = number; units = “Steps” or “Seconds” | no |
setTotalTemperature(t, units) | Sets total temperature for compressible flow (set on Options dialog in UI); t = temperature value; units = string | no |
setRelaxation(variable, value) | Sets under-relaxation for variable to value (variable = string; value = number) | no |
estimateTimeStep() | Estimates time step based on motion properties | no |
addRuntimeMonitorPoint(mp) | mp = monitor point object; | |
deleteRuntimeMonitorPoint(id) | Manages runtime monitor points; id = string | |
runtimeMonitorPoint(id) | Returns runtime monitor point id; id = string | yes |
addPostMonitorPoint(mp) | Manages post monitor points; mp = monitor point object;id = string | |
deletePostMonitorPoint(id) | Manages post monitor points; mp = monitor point object;id = string | no |
postMonitorPoint(id) | Returns post monitor point id; id = string | yes |
convergenceHistory(id) | Returns convergence history id; id = string | yes |
selectAllResults() | selects or deselect all results; iteration = number | |
deselectAllResults() | selects or deselect all results; iteration = number | |
selectResults(iteration) | selects or deselect all results; iteration = number | |
deselectResults(iteration) | selects or deselect all results; iteration = number | no |
loadSelectedResults() | Load all selected results | |
resetSelectedResults() | Reset all selected results | no |
value(scalar, mp) | Get result values at monitor point for current iteration; scalar = string; mp = monitor point object | |
value(scalar, mp, iteration) | Get result values at monitor point for current iteration; scalar = string; mp = monitor point object | yes |
selectResultOutputQuantity(s) | Select or deselect output quantities; s = string (name of output quantity--see User Interface: Analyze-Output Quantities for complete list) | |
deselectResultOutputQuantity(s) | Select or deselect output quantities; s = string (name of output quantity--see User Interface: Analyze-Output Quantities for complete list) | no |
deleteBoundaryCondition(bc) | deletes boundary condition from the selected model entities; (bc=boundary condition object) | no |
applyInitialCondition(ic) | applies initial condition to the selected model entities; (ic = initial condition object) | no |
applyMotion(mo) | applies motion to the selected entities; (mo = motion object) | no |
suppressSelectedParts() | Suppresses selected volumes from the model--prevents meshing of these parts | no |
resumeSelectedParts() | Resumes selected volumes, allowing them to be meshed | no |
resumeAllParts() | Resumes all suppressed volumes | no |
automaticSize() | Applies automatic mesh sizing | no |
spreadChanges() | Spreads mesh distribution changes throughout the model | no |
summary() | returns summary object | yes |
wallResults() | returns wall results object | yes |
setSolver(equation, solver, maxIterations, convergenceValue) | equation = string; solver = string; maxIterations = integer; convergenceValue = double | no |
useUniformSize | | no |
applySizeAdjustment(size) | size = element size | no |
setAutomaticExtrusion(String) | string = "on" or "off" | no |
setExtrusionGrowth(size) | size = extrusion growth value | no |
setExtrusionLayers(numberOfLayers) | numberOfLayers = the number of extrusion layers (integer) | no |
setExtrusionEndLayering(String) | string = "uniform", "small at end", "small at start", "small at both", "small at middle" | no |
extrudeMesh() | | no |
addResultsSaveFrequency(iteration/step, frequency) | step number and the save frequency (on output frequency table) | no |
addSummarySaveFrequency(iteration/step, frequency) | step number and the save frequency (on output frequency table) | no |