There are several selections on the Solve dialog. These are defined using Scenario class properties and methods. In the example below, the scenario is set to run steady state on the local computer for 100 iterations. The final command, run(), is the equivalent to hitting the “Solve” button on the Solve dialog:
a.analysisMode = “Steady State”;
a.remoteHost = "My Computer";
a.iterations = 100;;
When the run() command is used, the analysis will run, and the script will wait until the scenario is finished before moving to the next command. This allows several scenarios to be run in series from a single script. This differs from the queue that is available with the User Interface in that the script is managing when subsequent analyses start, not the Autodesk® CFD Server Manager.
A different command called start() uses the Autodesk® CFD Server Manager to manage analyses in series. When this command is used to start an analysis, subsequent analyses are also started, but kept in the queue until the previous analysis is completed. This is a useful option if it is necessary to complete the script and close the console before waiting for the analyses to complete.
Both options are provided for maximum flexibility.