Polynomial and Inverse Polynomial

Data points are required for a polynomial or inverse polynomial property variation.

Density, conductivity, and specific heat can vary with temperature, pressure, or scalar.

Viscosity can vary with temperature, pressure, scalar, or strain rate.

Each data point is entered on a separate line. To insert a data point between two existing lines, click on the point after the desired new point and click on the Insert button. All the subsequent data points will be pushed down one row.

The range of values should encompass the range of the independent variable (temperature, pressure, or scalar) of your analysis. Autodesk® CFD will automatically clip the property value if it exceeds the upper or lower values of the independent variable.

The polynomial order is specified in the Order field. The order should be less than the number of data points to get a good fit. It is always a good idea to plot the property values to ensure they follow the expected trends using the Plot button. Polynomial orders greater than 3 are generally not useful because of unexpected inflection points.

To import data from a .csv file, click the Import button. To save data to a .csv file, click the Save button.