View a demo on camera settings in VRED.
For additional information on camera settings, see the following:
- Cameras (How-To)
- Camera Editor Camera Settings Tab (Reference)
As of 2023.2, there are some UI aesthetic and instructional differences between the videos and VRED, due to the Camera Editor decoupling project. Please see the video captures for updated instructions.
Video captions: Activate Antialiasing in your icon tab. Open the Camera Editor. On the left, you can see an overview of all the selected cameras and viewpoints. On the right, you can see all the attributes of the selected camera. Double-click a camera in order to see through the Render window. Front, Top, and Side are orthographic cameras. This means that no image distortion occurs. The opposite, therefore, is a perspective camera. Because these cameras are set as standard nodes, their projection mode is not variable. Activate the Wireframe to visualize a shaded wireframe rendering. Activate and select a Depth of Field from the Lens Attributes section to render depth of field. Double-click the point in the scene on which you want to set focus. Activate Enable Motion Blur. Of course, the animation must be created before you are able to render the motion blur. With Translation and Rotation, you can control the camera numerically. With Roll, you can roll the camera. You can select a Field of View mode, such as vertical or horizontal, then choose a camera angle in the Field of View field. In the Animation section, you can plan further transformations in the camera. If Use Parent Transformation is activated, the camera transformations from the parent node will be transferred to the Scenegraph. In the Lens Attribute section, you can edit realistic camera parameters. Sensor positioning, focal length, sensor size, and focal aperture can be fitted here. Furthermore, the influence on F-stop, aperture, and shutter speed can be adjusted. To do so, Depth of Field and Motion Blur must be activated. This has no influence on the lighting of the image, but a dramatic one on Depth of Field and Motion Blur.